Thursday, September 27, 2018

Week of October 1st

HAPPY OCTOBER! Such a beautiful time of the year!

October is cooler weather. We WILL go outside if its dry so please dress the children in sweaters or jackets or send them in their bags.

Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 4 (This is my favorite number)

God's Time: In SEEDS our theme is "Jesus Gathers Us Together". We will also be taking a look at some rosary beads.

Shape and Color of the Month: Orange and Triangle

Unit Theme: This week we will introduce the Five Senses

Things to Know:

Monday Oct 1:We will have a visit from the Roxbury Fire Dept.

NO SCHOOL- Oct. 5th and 8th

STS Walk A Thon- Is Thursday Oct 11th.

Clothing Drive: 10/12-10/14. Please support STS 8th grade and clean out your closets for the clothing drive.

PreK Fall FUN Day is Friday October 19th. Please send in the form with $14.00 per child.

Resters: We are sending home rest mats to be washed the weekend of Oct. 5th.
We are requesting each rester bring a small stuffed animal from home. They would love to borrow what we have in the class but in order to keep illnesses from spreading its better they have their own.

Imp. Dates:

10/5-10/8 No School
10/11 STS Walk A Thon
10/13 STS Scrap and Craft Day
10/13-10/14 Clothing Drive
10/20 Meatball Madness-Benefit 8th Grade
10/26 STS Trunk or Treat
10/31 Halloween Parade

Recap September!

As we say goodbye to September we remember all that we have already done in our short time here at St. Therese!

We've met new friends!

   We've used our imagination!

We used school tools like; tracers, pencils, scissors, paints and more!

We measured up to Mr. Bones!

                                                   We enjoyed a Fall Picnic!

We had fun on the playground!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

From St. Therese School HSA

Here is a message from the Home and School Association:
a. Stewardship forms are due back 9/28
b. Tailgate and Chili BBQ forms are due 9/27
c. Please return any unsold Calendar Raffle tickets

Monday, September 24, 2018

Week of September 24th

LAST WEEK of SEPTEMBER! Wow time flies when your having FUN!!!

Letter of the Week: Cc and its phonetic sound.

Number of the Week: 2 and 3. Our picture day took us a little longer than we thought so we are going to finish up our number 2 this week.

Shape and Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow

Unit Theme: Creation: Changing of the Seasons-Summer to Fall

God's Time: Jesus Welcomes the Little Children

Show N Tell: Wed. 26th  For September our Show N Tell follows these themes:
Letters Aa, Bb, and Cc. Numbers 1,2,3 Shape Circle and Color Yellow, theme Creation

Outside Play: We will be going outside if the weather is dry. Please remember to have the children dressed appropriately for the weather. If you would like to leave a small sweater in their backpacks for those crazy weather days that would be great!

STS Family Days: Please join us at all the STS Family functions. This month their is a Tailgate BBQ on Fri. 9/29. These events are always so much fun! Go to the St Therese Website and look at the Friday Folder for more info!

9/26 Show N Tell
9/29 STS Family Day- Tailgate BBQ
10/5-10/8 No School -Teacher In-service/Columbus Day

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Week of September 17th

Practice your smiles this week-PICTURE DAY is Friday Sept 21st!😊

Our first week of school was AMAZING! Everyone did a great job learning our class routines! We are on our way to a GREAT year in Pre-K!

Letter of the Week: Bb and its phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 2 and the math word "pairs"

God's Time: God Created the Animals and Noah's Ark

Unit Theme: Creation-God made us! You are special!

PreK Picnic Day is Wednesday Sept. 19th. Please send in with your child:
1. Snack and Drink (separate from lunch)
2. Towel to sit on
3. Small stuffed animal friend to play with
ALL TOGETHER in a shopping bag. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!!!

9/14 STS Ice Cream Social
9/19   PreK Picnic Day
9/21 Picture Day
9/29 STS Family Tailgate and BBQ (Please check school website for information. Pull down "Quick Links" and click "Friday Folder")
10/5 & 10/8 No School-Staff In service and Columbus Day

Friday, September 7, 2018

Week of September 10th

Welcome to the first week of Pre-K 4!

Please be patient with me as I figure out the new blog! I usually try and make them much prettier than this!

Letter of the Week:  Aa and its phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 1 (simple start to help us focus on routines and listening skills)

God's Time: Meeting New Friends

Shape/Color of the Month: Circle/Yellow

Unit Theme: Creation-God Created the Sun, Stars, Earth, Animals and YOU!

Fall Picnic Day: is Wednesday September 19th. We will have a picnic snack. Please send your child in with

  • Snack a drink (label) If your child eats lunch at school please seperate their snack time snack and drink for our picnic day.
  • Beach towel to sit on (label)
  • A small stuffed animal to join us (label)
  • ALL in a shopping bag for THEM to carry. (label)
School Picture Day: is Friday Sept 21st. Send them in with a smile!

September Show N Tell: is Wednesday Sept 26th. The item must follow at least one of our monthly skills/lessons. Letters Aa,Bb,Cc numbers 1,2,3 color = yellow, shape=circle or creation. For example the could bring in a Picture of themselves/family in a yellow shirt and someone in the family is named A ndrew(for letter A). This is really your only homework all month. Have some fun with it but it should come from the child's idea and plans with adult guidance. Please help them with the description for the first few months until they get use to it.

9/10 First Day of PreK
9/14 STS Family Night-Ice Cream Social
9/19 PreK Fall Picnic Day
9/21 School Picture Day-Class Pics
9/26 Sept. Show N Tell
9/29 STS Family Tailgate BBQ
9/30 Last Day to pick up Mums for Mulch
10/5-10/8 No School Teacher In Service and Columbus Day

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...