Friday, October 26, 2018

Fall FUN Day was so much fun I wish we could do that everyday! Thank you so much to all the volunteers-the day wouldn't have gone so smoothly without all your help! Thanks for all the donations for the Farm Animals to join us and the items we needed for our craft!

Halloween is this Wednesday Oct.31st. Please send the children dressed in costume. Any extra pieces that can wait at home for trick or treating would be appreciated. Any thing that comes in should be labeled. NO WEAPONS or inappropriate costumes. Our party starts at 10:00 and our parade starts at 11:15. Please come and watch our parade and cheer us on! Following the parade we will sing some of our favorite songs we've learned this season.

Please do not take children from the parade line. There will be time for pictures at the end. The children will be dismissed from the front of the building after they have gone back inside for all their things. No carline just meet us on the front lawn. If your child is a full-day child and will be leaving at noon please send a note and please let us know who they are going home with. If it is someone other than mom or dad the adult will need ID with them.

Our lessons this week will be mostly review and Halloween Fun. We will study number 6 at the end of the week and in God's Time we have All Saints Day on Thursday.

Show N Tell is Monday Oct 29th. Please bring in an item that follows our October themes:
Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg 4,5,6 Orange, Triangle, Five Senses, Halloween and The Rosary.

Important Dates:
10/26 STS Trunk or Treat
10/29 Show N Tell
10/31 Halloween Party and Parade
11/2 STS Tricky Tray
11/9 NO SCHOOL-NJEA conference
11/21 Everyone Noon Dismissal. NO AFTERCARE
11/22-11/25 Thanksgiving Break
12/1 STS Santa Breakfast

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week of Oct. 22

Fall FUN Day is this Wednesday! Please dress very warm!

Letter of the Week: Letter Gg and its phonetic sound

Number of the Week: We will continue with 1-5. We will be counting on, taking away, and finding the missing number. We have also been practicing positional words with "Five Little Pumpkins".

God's Time: Gospel Story: "Jesus wants us to help" We will be counting on Rosary beads and learning the Our Father and the Hail Mary.

Shape/Color of the Month: Orange and Triangle

Unit Theme: Creation- Using our senses of Hearing, Seeing and Touching to discover our world.

Dress Warm:
If it is dry we will be going outside. Once the snow comes  we can not use the playground so we try and get outside as much as possible till winter. Please dress the children very warm. Hats are better then hoods( hoods block our vision when we run). I teach the children to place gloves/mittens in their hats and hats in their coat sleeves. Please practice this at home so they don't loose their warm items.

STS Trunk or Treat(Oct. 26th) is a great night to get some extra use of those Halloween Costumes! Please see the Friday Folder Tab on the St. Therese Website for more info.

PreK Halloween Party and Parade will be on Wed. Oct 31st. Please refer to the Halloween letter I recently sent home. We start parading at 11:15.

STS Tricky Tray is fast approaching (Nov. 2nd) and has sold out in the past. It is one of the best Tricky Trays I've been to, and I look forward to it each year!

Important Dates:
10/20 STS 8th Grade Meatball Madness
10/24 PreK 3&4 Fall FUN Day
10/26 STS Trunk or Treat
10/29 October Show N Tell
10/31 Pre-K Halloween Party and Parade. We parade at 11:15
11/2 STS Tricky Tray
11/9 No School-NJEA Conference

Friday, October 12, 2018

Week of October 15th

We are finally feeling the Fall Weather! Please be sure the children are dressed to play outside. If it is dry we will be going out to play!

Letter of the Week: Ff and its phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 5. We will be counting up to Five and down from Five with our "Five Little 
God's Time: Gospel Theme: Jesus teaches us to be Happy! Song of the Week-If You're Happy and your know it!"

Shape / Color of the Month: Triangle/Orange

Unit Theme: Creation-Five Senses-Our sense of smell and our sense of hearing

Playground Mulching: We will be mulching our playground on Saturday Oct. 13th beginning at 8:30am. Anyone with a little time please come and lend a hand. The  more hands, the less time it takes!

Clothing Drive: The 8th grade is collecting old clothes, blankets, shoes etc... on Saturday Oct 13th. and Sunday Oct 14th.

Pre-K Fall Fun Day is on Wednesday Oct 24th.

Pre-K Halloween Parade is on Wed. Oct 31st at 11:15am. Our parade time is different than the Big School parade.

Important Dates:
10/13 Playground Mulching
          STS Scrapbook and Craft Day
10/13-10/14 8th Grade Clothing Drive
10/20 8th Grade Meatball Madness
10/24 Pre-K Fall Fun Day
10/26 STS Family Night-Trunk or Treat
10/29 Oct. Show N Tell
10/31 PreK Halloween Party and Parade-Parade Time is 11:15.
11/2  STS Tricky Tray-Truly one of the best tricky trays around!!!
11/9 No School-NJEA Conferences

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week of October 8th

I hope everyone enjoyed the four day weekend! Now it's back to work!! (and fun)!

Letter of the Week: Ee and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: We will review 1-4 and positional terms
God's Time: God Made Me Special, Gospel Lesson-Jesus is Our Friend
Shape/Color of the Month: Triangle and Orange
Unit Theme: Creation-How do we use our FIVE SENSES to understand God's Creation

Coming up this Week:
The Saint Therese Walk-A-Thon is Thursday, Oct 11th! Wear your walking shoes!!

Things to Know: 
Our Fall FUN Day was changed to Wed. Oct. 24th. We need extra help if anyone would like to join us!

St Therese Day of Service is 10/13 in the A.M. If you have some time come and help us mulch the playground for the kiddos! The more hands we have the less time it will take!

Halloween: 10/31 Our Halloween Parade will begin at 11:15 in front of the Big School. (Inside if raining)

Important Dates:
10/11 STS Walk A Thon
10/13 Scrap and Craft Day
          8th Grade Clothing Drive
           St Therese Day of Service-Help us mulch the playground!!!
10/20 8th Grade Meatball Madness
10/24 PreK Fall Fun Day
10/26 STS Trunk or Treat-Please see the school Friday Folder Tab on website for more info.
10/29 October Show N Tell
10/31 Halloween Party and Parade. Parade Time is 11:15am
11/2 STS Tricky Tray
11/9 School Closed-NJEA Teacher Conference


Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...