Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 30th

End of September ALREADY!!!! We are really moving along!

Review Week: During a review week we go over and relearn some of our lessons from the month. We will revisit phonetic sounds, number placement and the color word. This also gives us a chance to work on patterns, STEM activities and other fun learning skills.

Show N Tell: Is Wednesday Oct 2nd. Show n Tell MUST follow at least one of our September Learning Skills. Letters A.B,C Numbers 1,2,3  Shape Circle, Color Yellow, Unit God's Creation God's Time-Noah's Ark.

Buddy Fall Picnic Snack: On Friday Oct. 4th we will have our Picnic Snack with our Buddies. The children need to bring One Snack, One Drink, One Towel to sit on and One SMALL Stuffed toy in a Shopping bag THEY can carry. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!!!

Fall Fun Day: Is coming quickly! Oct. 16th. If you would like to help please fill out the form and send it in ASAP. We also need $7.00 per child to pay for pumpkins and Entertainment.

Halloween: Our Halloween Party and Parade are on Wed. Oct 30th. We will parade staring at 11:15. Please invite family and friends to come and see the BEST Halloween Parade ever!

Dress for the Weather: As it gets cooler please know we will go outside if it is dry. Please be sure to dress the children for the weather. Layers are best-we can always take off extra jackets/sweaters.
HOODS are NOT a substitute for a hat! The children will not be able to wear a hood on the playground. It limits their peripheral vision on the playground.

Spoons and Forks: Please supply your child with what they need to eat snack and lunch.

STS Family BBQ
10/9 St. Therese Walk a Thon
10/10 Golf Outing
10/11&10/14 NO School
10/16 Fall Fun Day
10/19 STS 8th Grade Meatball Madness
10/25 STS Family Trunk or Treat
10/30 PreK Halloween Party and Parade

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Week of September 23rd

WOW!!! We have been so blessed with beautiful weather! The playground has been our new home!!!

Letter of the Week: Cc and it's phonetic sounds.
Number of the week: 3 (is one more than 2)
God's Time: Our SEEDS series begins this week with the theme "Jesus is with us"
Shape/Color of the Month: Yellow/Circle
Unit Theme: God's Creation - Our Five Senses

Weather and Outside: Please be aware that we will be going outside if the weather is dry. Sometimes it's just for a walk for fresh air. Please be sure the children are dressed properly for the day and all their jackets/outerwear is labeled. Layers are great - we adjust as the day warms up.

Room Parents: Our Room Parents are Mrs. Grey , Mrs. Cosme and Mrs. Castellano. They will be contacting you via email about up coming events in the classroom.

School Alerts: I want to be sure everyone is receiving school alerts. Mr. Dunnigan uses the alerts to notify parents of schedule changes, school delays and closings in bad weather and any emergencies. Mr. Wines (HSA Pres.) sends emails and alerts through a system called Parent Square. That will let you know of any St Therese School activities coming.

Important Dates: 
9/28 STS Family Day Tailgate BBQ
10/1 September Show N Tell
10/7 Roxbury Fire Trucks
10/9 St Therese Walk a Thon
10/10 STS Golf Outing
10/11 No School-Teacher In Service
10/14 No School- Columbus Day
10/16 Pre-K Fall Fun Day

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week of September 16th

What a WONDERFUL first week of school. The children are working hard at learning all the new routines in our day! We also have some beautiful singing voices in our class!!!

Letter of the Week: Bb and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 2 ... 1 and 1 make 2
God's Time: God's Creation "He made the animals"
Shape and Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow
Unit Theme: All God' Creation-Five Senses and Fall Season

Morning Greeting: The beginning of our day is at 8:15. We will try our best to meet everyone on the sidewalk while the weather is nice!

Please be sure to label anything that your child brings to school. Last week we had several denim jackets and a few that the children didn't recognize on their own. If it comes in with your child and your expecting it to return with them put a LABEL on it!

Friday September 20th- Wear BLUE against Bullying! This is a tag day that helps our 8th grade students. If you wish to donate spare change-$1 it would be appreciated but not necessary.

Important dates:
9/13 Picture Day
         STS family Night-Ice Cream Social
9/20 Wear Blue for Anti Bullying
9/28 STS family Day BBQ
10/1 September Show N Tell
10/9 St Therese Walk A Thon
10/10 STS Golf Outing
10/11 NO School-Teacher Prof. Day
10/14 No School-Columbus Day
10/16 PreK Fun Fall Day

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week of Sept. 9th

Our First Week of Pre-K 4!!!!

Letter of the Week: Aa and it's phonetic sound.
Number of the Week: 1 "Can you make it One"
God's Time: Our New Beginning in PreK
Shape and Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow
Unit Theme: Discovering God's Creation- God Created Me

We are so looking forward to an AMAZING Year!!!!

Important dates:
9/6- First Day of Pre-K
      - Fuddruckers Family Night
9/12 Back to School Night
9/13 School Picture Day
        STS Family Night-Ice Cream Social
9/20 Tag Day- Wear Blue for Anti Bullying
9/28 STS Family Day- tailgate BBQ
10/1 September Show N Tell

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...