Thursday, October 31, 2019

Week of Nov. 4th

November ALREADY-OH MY!!!

Letter of the Week: Hh and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 7 -Seven is one more than six
God's Time: Friendship
Color/Shape of the Month: Brown and Square
Unit Theme: God's Creation-Living and Non living things

I know this is a busy time of year for all of us! I will try and keep you up to date on this blog!

STS Tricky Tray: The St Therese School Tricky Tray is Top-Notch! There are sooooo many prizes! Come out with a friend, have some fun, and support our school!- Nov 8th.

Clothing Drive:The 8th grade is sponsoring a clothing drive. It's a great way to clean out the closets before the new Holiday gifts arrive! Nov. 15th-17th

Week of Nov.25th.- St Therese Grades 1st-8th will be having their parent teacher conferences. They will have Noon Dismissals on Monday and Tuesday. Pre-K does not have conferences till January.   On Mon 11/25 and Tues 11/26 we will have a regular schedule day.

WED. Nov. 27th will be a NOON DISMISSAL for everyone-NO AFTERCARE.

Important Dates:
11/8 STS Tricky Tray
11/11 No School
11/15 Picture Retakes
11/15-17 8th Grade Clothing Drive
11/25 11/26 Regular Schedule for PreK
11/27 November Show N Tell
11/27 NOON DISMISSAL- No Aftercare
11/28 & 11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/ 6 First Friday Mass-PreK will attend with Buddies
12/13 PreK Christmas Show in the AM

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week of Oct. 28

Halloween Week-I can't believe it's already here!!!

Letter of the Week: Gg and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 6 Six is one more than Five
God's Time: The Our Father, Hail Mary and Rosary Prayers
                       SEEDS-We are all different We are all good!
Shape/Color of the Month: Triangles and Orange
Unit Study: Five Senses with our class pumpkin!

Cool Weather: Please be sure the children have warm alternatives to wear on the playground. Hoods are not allowed when playing on the playground-hats are safer. Practice with the children gloves in hats and hats in sleeves. The children also need to practice putting on their own jackets. Keeping the same consistent "School jacket" is helpful for our independence learning. We have a few friends in the ZIPPER CLUB!!! Keep practicing!

October Show N Tell: Monday 10/28 is October Show N Tell. Please help the children choose an item that follows our October lessons. Letter Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg Numbers 4,5,6 Shape triangle and color orange. Holiday-Halloween, Five Senses or the Rosary. The children should be able to Show and TELL about their choice. One item only please!

Pre-K 4 Halloween: Our Halloween Party and Parade is on Wed. Oct. 30th. The children should come to school dress in costume. NO WEAPONS allowed and any extra pieces leave home or LABEL!!! Our parade is 11:15. If your child is a FULL DAY student and will be leaving at 12:00 please send me an email by 10/28. I will need to know in advance so they are packed and ready to go.

Oct. 31st. Full Time Students may come to school in a costume if they wish.  We are going to have more Halloween fun! We will also be going to the Big School Parade in the afternoon.

STS Tricky Tray:Our schools biggest night is just around the corner! There are so many amazing prizes and lots of fun!!! Get your tickets and invite a friend! Friday Nov. 8th.

Clothing Drive: On the weekend of Nov. 15th 8th Grade will be collecting for their Clothing Drive. It's a great way to clean out before Christmas gifts arrive. They have added a new Drop Off during car line!!!

Important Dates:
10/28 Oct. Show n Tell
10/30 PreK Halloween Parade 11:15
10/31 Halloween
11/2 Fall Scrap n Craft
11/8 STS Tricy Tray 6pm
11/11 No School- Veterans Day
11/14 HSA meeting- child care provided
11/15 Picture Retakes
11/15-11/17 Clothing Drive
11/27 Noon Dismissal- No Aftercare
11/28& 11/29 Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week of October 21st

What a FUN -Fun Fall Day!!! Thank you to all the parent volunteers that helped to make it a great success!!!

Letter of the Week: Ff and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 5 is one more than four
God's Time: I Can Do It! Prayers of Petition, Our Father, Hail Mary
Color/Shape of the Month: Triangle and Orange
Unit Theme: Five Senses-Sense of Sound and Sight

Outside Play: If it is dry out we will play outside. No Hoods will be allowed to be worn on the playground. Please send children with a hat on cold days. Practice-Gloves in hats and Hats in sleeves.

October Show N Tell: Is Monday Oct.28th. I have the wrong date on the October letter. For Show N Tell the item MUST cover one of our lessons from October: Letter Dd,Ee, Ff and Gg. Numbers 4, and 5 The Shape Triangle and the Color Orange. Lessons on Five Senses, Fire Safety, and Fall. God Time we covered the Rosary and Thanking God for Fall and our 5 Senses!

Halloween: We are celebrating Halloween on Wed. Oct 30th. A letter was sent home on Wed. Oct 16th. If you have any questions please email me. Our Parade of Halloween Cuties will begin at 11:15.

Important dates:
10/25 Tag day-Dress in Halloween Colors (8th Grade Fundraiser
10/25 STS Trunk or Treat Night
10/26 Playground Mulching
10/28 October Show N Tell
10/30 Pre-K Halloween Party and Parade -Parade at 11:15
11/1 All Saints Day
11/2 STS Scrap n Craft Day-adults only
11/8 STS Tricky Tray-BEST EVER!!!!
11/11 No School-Veteran's Day
11/14 STS HSA Meeting- Child care available
11/15 Picture Retakes
11/27 Noon Dismissal-NO AFTERCARE
11/28-11/29 Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 11, 2019

Week of October 14

It's Fall FUN Week! 

Letter of the Week: Ee and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 4 is One more than three
God's Time: Jesus is our Friend
Shape/Color of the Month: Triangle and Orange
Unit Theme: Our Five Senses

Fall Fun Day is Wednesday Oct. 16th Rain or Shine. Please dress the children appropriately for the weather.

Halloween: A letter will be coming home explaining Halloween. Our Parade is at 11:15 on Wed. Oct 30th. Please invite family and friends to come and see the cutest Halloween Parade ever!!!

Outside Play: If the weather is dry we will be going outside to play or at least for a little walk. Please dress the children for the weather. As it gets cooler please know that HOODS are not going to be worn on the playground. It causes a danger when the children are running and can not see. Hats and gloves are best. Our routine in school is "gloves in hats and hats in sleeves" (coat). Please practice this at home so the children become more responsible for their own items.

Important Dates:
10/14 No School Columbus Day
10/16 Fall Fun Day
10/25 Tag Day-Halloween ( $1 donation will benefit 8th grade)
10/25 STS Family Night-Trunk or Treat
10/26 Mulching Playground
10/30 Halloween Parade and Party
11/8 STS Tricky Tray-So AMAZING!!!
11/11 No School-Veterans day

Friday, October 4, 2019

Week of October 7th

The weather is feeling a bit more like Fall. Be sure the children are dressed for outside play!

Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 4 (1 more than 3 is 4)
Color and Shape of the Month: Triangle and Orange
God's Time: SEEDS Theme: Jesus wants us to Grow   St Therese   Hail Mary
Unit Theme: Use our Five Senses to learn about Fire Trucks and Fire Safety.

Buddies-We met our  4th grade buddies on Friday 10/4!

Monday is our Fire Safety day. Be sure to talk about Fire Safety and your Plan if there were ever a fire in your home. Check your alarms and replaced the batteries.

Wednesday is St Therese Day! We will be joining the big school on our Walk a Thon to honor our Patroness St. Therese. Be sure to be dressed for the weather and wear your best walking shoes.

Friday Oct. 11th is a No School day! Monday Oct. 14th is a No School Day! 

Fall Fun Day: We are still missing some of the donations we need for Fall Fun Day. The donations are directly used towards Pumpkins and Entertainment for the children. I adjust the price each year so we have exactly what we need. Please submit by Wed. Oct. 9th.

Our Mum sale was a GREAT success! Thanks for your help. If you ordered mums they will be available to pick up on Wednesday Oct. 9th from 2:00-4:30 in the Vestibule of the Big School.

Halloween: Our Party and Parade will be on 10/30. Our parade will begin at 11:15am. I will be sending out more info shortly.

Important dates:
10/7 Fire Safety Day
10/9 St Therese Walk A Thon
        Pick Up Mums
10/11 & 10/14 No School
10/16 Fall Fun Day
10/19 8th Grade Meatball Madness
10/25 STS family Night -Trunk or Treat
10/30 Pre-K Halloween Parade and Party Parade is at 11:15am

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...