Thursday, December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Mrs McDonald and I would like to wish you all the

Merriest of Christmases and the 
Happiest of New Years!

See you next year!
-Mrs. Reed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Week of Dec. 16th

What an amazing show!!!! The children did such a great job- we are so proud of them!

Letter of the Week: Ll and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: Review numbers 1-9. Complete "What's Missing" on a number line
Shape and Color of the Month: Star and Blue
God's Time: The Christmas Story- 3rd and 4th week of Advent
Unit Theme: Christmas Around the world- How to say Merry Christmas in other languages.

Show N Tell: Wed. Dec. 18th.
 Themes for Show n Tell: Letters Jj,Kk, Ll.  Numbers 8,9  Shape Star  Color Blue   Theme: Christmas

Pictures: I was not able to take many pictures at the show. If anyone has some to share please email me. -Thank You!

Friday Dismissal: The Big School is dismissing at 11:30 on Friday, Dec 20th. PreK will dismiss at 11:45. All families with older siblings please enter Big School carline first.

Important Dates
12/ 18- Show N Tell
12/20 - St Therese Christmas Brunch.
12/20 11:45 Dismissal- No Aftercare
12/21-1/1 Christmas Break
1/20 - No School
1/23&24 Prek Conferences

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Week of December 9th

So hard to believe we are in December!!! It is a wonderful time of year to spend with four and five year olds-the magic is so real!!!

Letter of the Week: Kk and it's phonetic sound.  Between the snow day and practice for our show we are a little behind.

Number of the Week: 9 Nine is one more than eight

Shape/Color of the Month; Star and Blue

God's Time: Advent is the time we wait for Jesus! We are getting ready!

December Unit Plan: In December we focus on the Advent Season and we discuss different ways around the world people celebrate Christmas. If you have any family traditions you'd like to share please send me an email or you can come in and share yourself!

Pre-K Christmas Show: Is Friday Dec. 13th at 9:00 am in the Big School Auditorium. Please invite friends and family to join in the festivities!!!
-Please keep practicing with the children at home.
-Room Moms are still looking for help with collecting for the party after the show. You can contact Mrs. Castellano if your not sure how you can help.

Advent Angels: Our Angels were so good to us! Please help your child create a card, prayer, picture or a small item to place in their Buddies stocking.

Important dates:
12/13 Pre-K Christmas Show               12/18 December Show N Tell
12/20 Noon dismissal-No Aftercare         1/2 Retrn to school       1/23,24 Pre-K Conferences

Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...