Sunday, February 21, 2021

Week of February, 22nd

 Let's keep our chins up (above the snow)! March is right around the corner!!!

Letter of the Week: Review Letters Aa-Qq

Number of the Week: 13 is 10 and 3 more

God's Time: Jesus wants us to pray-The Our Father Lent and Kindness

Unit Study: Weather -we will finish our unit this week with a Fun Stations Day on Weather

Wednesday Feb. 24- Weather Stations Day, Snow Play Day, and Show N Tell

 We will have a Weather Stations Day a Snow Play Day and Show N Tell on Wed.

Weather Stations day- Come ready to play and learn in several stations about temperature and weather.

Snow Play Day- We will get together with our buddies and go play in the snow before it disappears! Please bring all your snow gear in a shopping bag with your child's name. 

Feb. Show N Tell- Please bring ONE item for Show N Tell that follows our Feb. lessons 

       Color Red    Shape Heart    Letters Oo Pp and Qq    Numbers 11, 12 and 13  Unit Study-Seasons and Weather

Friday, Feb. 26th - Pre-K Pajama Day

Please come to school dressed in your cozy jammies! Children MUST wear school safe shoes-no slippers! Bring a small quiet stuffed friend to spend the day with you. We will be using our stuffed friends for games and activities so please make sure they are small and do not have a battery or hard parts.

Popcorn- please send in a permission slip or email Mrs Reed if your child can have Fresh Popped Popcorn with/without butter.

Important Dates:

2/24- Snow Play Day and Show N Tell

2/26 Pre-K Pajama Day

3/24 Pre-K Easter Hat Celebration

4/1 Noon Dismissal - No Aftercare

4/2-4/10 Easter Vacation

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Week of February 15th

 No School on Monday Feb 15th for President's Day

Letter of the Week: Letter Qq and it's phonetic sound. We also mention that Qq has a best friend "Little u".

Number of the Week: 13 is 10 and 3 more

God's Time: Ash Wednesday and Lent

Shape/Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Plan: Types of Weather

Wednesday, Feb. 24th- Show N Tell

Friday, Feb 26th- Pre-K Pajama Day- The children may wear comfy jammies to school. They must wear school appropriate shoes. They can also bring a small stuffed animal to spend the day with.

March Mystery Readers: Please return your slip soon if you wish to be a Mystery Reader in March.

Kindness Jar begins on Ash Wed. Feb 17th

Easter Hat Celebration: Possibly March 26th or 29th

Easter Break: Friday, April 3rd-April 12th

Friday, February 5, 2021

Week of Feb. 8th

Our Pre-K Valentine's day Celebration will be on Wednesday Feb 10th. Pleas have a Valentine for each friend in class and a couple extra. NO CANDY or FOOD!

Letter of the Week: Pp and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 12 is 10 and 2 more

God's Time: Jesus Heals and Makes us Disciples

Shape/Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Theme: Weather

Snow Day Play Day: Still hoping to get another one of these in this month. I'll send an email out when I know everything will work out for one.

CSW: Our CSW activities are extending through next week. If you wish to participate in some of the activities, you can find the updated events on STS Website-Friday Folder Tab


Feb. 24th- Febrary Show N Tell

Friday Feb. 26th -PREK PAJAMA DAY!!!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Week of Feb 1st

 Happy Snow Day! Hope everyone is able to stay home, safe and snuggly together! 

Come on Groundhog-NO SHADOW!!!!

Letter of the Week: Review Letters Aa-Oo

Number of the Week: 11 - Eleven is 10 and 1 more

God's Time: Jesus has the power to Heal

Shape and Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Plan: Types of Weather

Snow Day Play Day: We would like to have another Snow Play Day on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd. 

Please pack a shopping bag (LABELED) with Boots, Snowpants, Gloves and Hat

EMPTY TISSUE BOXES!!- We are still in need of Empty Tissue boxes for our Valentine's Day Mailboxes. Rectangular Boxes with the slit at the top are the best, but Puffs Brand works too.

Valentine's Day Party Feb 10th- We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wed. Feb 10th (Snow day Feb12th) Please have a Valentine for each friend in class (and a couple extra). We have 9 Boys and 8 Girls in our class. Our new friend Hunter will begin class with us this week. Please add Hunter to your class list. NO FOOD or CANDY And please remember ALL  Valentines need to fit in our Tissue Box Mailbox.

NO School Feb, 15th.

Ash Wed Feb. 17th

Show N Tell Feb. 24th

Pre-K PAJAMA DAY Feb 26th.

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...