Friday, April 30, 2021

Week of May 3rd

 Good Bye April and Hello May!!! May is always so bittersweet. It's the best time to be with these amazing kiddos, but so hard to know they will be Moving Up soon!!!

Letter of the Week: Yy and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 19 is Ten and Nine more

God's Time: God wants us to grow in our Community

Shape and Color of the Month: Multisided Shapes (hexagon, pentagon, octagon) and Pink

Unit Theme: We are finishing TRANSPORTATION with a special Transportation Day on Friday

Pre-K Fun Week begins on May 24th. Please hand in your permission slip and $10.00 entertainment fee.

Friday May 28 is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTERCARE. 


June 10th is the LAST DAY of Pre-K

June 11th is PRE-K Moving Up Day at 1:30.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Week of April 26th

 The END of April!!!! Oh My, Oh My, Oh My!

Letter of the Week: Xx and it's phonetic sound. When coming up with Xx words I accept all words with an Xx in it. (ie: Box, Exit, ect...)

Number of the Week: 18 is Ten and Eight more

God's Time: Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Shape/Color of the Month: Rhombus/Purple

Unit Plan: Transportation by Air

Moving Up Day: We are beginning our practice for our Moving Up Day. The Day will take place on Friday, June 11th at 1:30pm. 

Summer Fun Week: After all this learning and hard work we will have a FUN week to celebrate the children. This will be the week of May 24th. Please be on the look out for more information

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Week of April 19th

 Looks like a nice week ahead! Having the children dress in layers or bring a sweatshirt/light jacket for the changing temperatures might be helpful as the weather is still cold in the morning but warms up in the afternoon.

Letter of the Week: Ww and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: Review of Numbers 1-17

God's Time: Gospel Story-Jesus Surprises His Friends- The children will explore the feelings of others as they relate to how the disciples felt.

Shape and Color of the Month: Diamond/Rhombus and Purple

Unit Theme: Transportation by Water

June 11th is Moving Up Day. Don't know what the celebration will entail, but I do know there will be a celebration!!! The children have already begun learning new songs for the event!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Week of April 12th

 We hope everyone had a beautiful Easter and some time to refresh and renew over Easter break!

Letter of the Week: Vv and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 17 is Ten and Seven more

God's Time: Jesus has Risen on Easter Sunday

Shape and Color of the Month: Diamond or Rhombus and Purple

Unit Theme: Transportation- How we get from here to there

Save the Date: June 11th- Will be our Moving Up Ceremony More information soon to follow!

In Leu of a Class Trip this year we are planning on a fun week of events sometime in mid-late May. Please stay tuned for more info!

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...