Thursday, September 30, 2021
Week of Oct. 4
We made it through September! Welcome to the month -OCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER! I'm sure your household gets a little crazy this time of year, well in Pre-K we enjoy and embrace the CRAZY!!!
Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: Review of Number 1-3
God's Time: St. Therese, St Francis and the rosary-October is the Month of the Rosary.
In SEEDS we learn that Jesus is our Special Friend
Shape and Color of the Month: Triangle and Orange
Monthly Unit-God's Creation through our Five Senses
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday Oct. 8th and Monday Oct. 11th.
Pre-K FALL FUN DAY letters are coming home. Please fill out if you can volunteer and send in the $15 dollars for the event by Wed. Oct.13th.
Follow the St. Therese Website for Fun Family Events!
Other Important Dates:
10/8-10/11 No School
10/20 Pre-K Fun Fall Day
10/22 Scholastic Book Orders due for October
10/27 October Show N Tell
10/29 Halloween Parade and Party
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Week of September 27th
It's FALL, Y'ALL!!! We are very excited as we learn about this beautiful season in some fun and interactive ways!!
Letter of the Week: We will review letters Aa, Bb, and Cc
Number of the Week: We will review 1, 2, 3
God's Time: SEEDS Gospel Theme: We gather in Jesus' name.
Shape and Color of the Month: Yellow and Circle
Monthly Unit: Five Senses and how we use them to enjoy God's Creations!
Pre-4 will have a Fall Picnic Snack on Wednesday, Sept 29th (New Date). Please pack a shopping bag with: Snack and Drink, Small Stuffed friend, Beach Towel -LABEL LABEL LABEL LABEL!
Show N Tell: Show N Tell for September is this Wednesday 9/29. Please have Show N Tell in your backpack. Show N Tell MUST follow one of our educational themes for September: begin with Aa, Bb, Cc or Numbers 1,2,3 or the color Yellow or the shape Circle. Get creative with God's Creation or the season of Fall.
Pizza Fridays: I am sending home the Pizza order for October. Please use this form and order for the whole month of October. This is the only month I will be sending home the Form. Beginning in November, please find the form on STS website-Friday Folder Tab. All October orders are due September 29th.
St. Therese Walk A Thon is Thursday Sept 30th at 9:00am. Please be sure the children come dressed in comfortable walking shoes and clothing. A light jacket may be a good idea. All forms for the Walk a thon are on the St. Therese Website-Friday Folder.
Save the Date: Pre-K Fall Fun Day is October the 20th.
Important Dates:
9/29 Fall Picnic Snack and September Show N Tell
9/29-October Pizza Money Due
9/30 St. Therese walk a Thon
10/1 Feast day of St Therese the Little Flower
10/3 STS Family Mass at 10:30
10/8&10/11 No School
10/20 Pre-K Fall Fun Day
10/29 Halloween Parade and Class Party
Friday, September 17, 2021
Week of Sept 20th
FALL is on it's WAY!!! So excited for Pumpkins and Fall Colors!!
Letter of the Week: Cc and it's phonetic sounds
Number of the Week: 3 (One more than two is 3)
God's Time: We will begin our SEEDS program this week. The theme of the gospel is "Jesus is our Friend"
Shape and Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow
Unit Theme: Fall and Five Senses
Pre-K Fall Picnic Snack Day is Friday Sept. 24th. Please pack a shopping bag with a towel, a small stuffed animal and snack with water. SNACK MUST BE SEPERATE FROM LUNCH. The children will be carrying their own picnic bags!!!!
Wear Gold/Yellow: On Friday Sept 24th the whole school is going Gold for childhood cancer. Please have your child wear Gold or Yellow. Please donate what you can. All monies go to St. Jude Children's Hospital.
Important Dates:
9/24 Fall Picnic Day
Wear Gold/Yellow for Childhood Cancer
9/29 PreK Show N Tell September
10/3 STS First Sunday Mass at 10:30
10/8-10/11 No School
10/20 Pre-K Fun Day
10/29 Halloween Party and Parade
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Week of Sept. 13th
Yay!!! The first week of school was a great success! The children are adjusting wonderfully!
Letter of the Week: Bb and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: 2 ( 1 and 1 is 2)
God's Time: Creation- What has God made?
Shape/Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow
Unit Theme: God's Creation-Apples and Fall
Please be sure all paper work is in ASAP.
**PICTURE DAY** is Friday, Sept 17th. Everyone's picture is taken in the Fall. You can order the pictures online. An order form will be sent home this week. Bring your smiles!!!
Important Dates:
9/17 Picture Day
STS Family BBQ -Please see the Friday Folder on School website.
9/24 Pre-K Picnic Snack -More Info to come
9/29 Show N Tell
10/3 First Sunday Mass at St Therese Church. 10:30
10/8 and 10/11 No School-Prof Development and Columbus Day
Friday, September 3, 2021
Week of September 6th
Welcome to the first week of school! We are excited to start our Pre-K Adventure!
Letter of the Week: Aa and it's phonetic sounds-try and think of words that begin with letter Aa
Number of the Week: 1 - We will begin our Math and Number lessons with the simple number one. This will help us to learn following oral directions when completing our number classwork.
God's Time: Meeting New Friends- The first series I use for God's Time helps to break us into the routine of School, meeting new friends, school manners etc...
Shape/Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow-My Favorite!!!
Monthly Unit Theme: God's Creation-God Created Wonderful You!
Important Dates:
Sept. 6-No School, Labor Day
Sept. 17- Picture Day-Say CHEEEEEESE!!
Sept 17- STS Family BBQ (please see the school website and the "Friday Folder" under "Parent's Page" for more information
Sept 24th- Pre-K Fall Snack Picnic Day
Sept 29th- Pre-K September Show N Tell
First Day of School
What an AMAZING first day!!!! The children worked very hard learning our new school routine! Please give them extra love for all their patience and hard work today!
Enjoy the long Holiday weekend!
-Mrs Reed
Week of December 16th
I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...
New and Old Friends PreSchool Scavanger Hunt - Getting to know our classroom! An Apple a Day helps Pre-K to Play! Bb is for BUBBLES!! SENSE ...
Well, October went WAAAYYYY to fast!🍂🍂🍂 St Therese Walk A Thon Sense of Sight Sense of Hearing-Musical Instraments Fall Fun Day! Beauti...
We are all starting to settle right into routine! Thank you for returning all important paperwork. Letter of the Week: Aa and it's ph...