Thursday, February 24, 2022

Week of Feb. 28

 I suppose March is coming in like a Lion!!! Dress warm so we can sneak in some walks for fresh air and a little sunshine!

Letter of the Week: Ss and it's Phonetic Sound

Number of the Week: 1-14. Find the missing number.

God's Time: Ash Wednesday, and Lent

Shape/Color of the Month: Rhombus and Green

Unit Theme: Transportation-How we get from here to there!

Ash Wednesday: Mass is at 8:30. Please have the children in the church entrance between 8:00 and 8:15. If you are later than 8:30 please drop off at Mrs Dobres in Pre-K3. 

Kindness Jar: We will begin the Lenten Kindness Jar on Wed. Please email me any selfless acts of Kindness your child does while home and we will look out for Kindness at school.

March Mystery Readers- The schedule will be out next week. If you are having trouble making your time please let me know ASAP> 

March Pizza: The front office has decided to go back to weekly orders for Pizza. Please have your pizza money by Friday morning. 

Easter Hat Parade and Party: April 11th. Time to be determined. Please start to prepare to create a hat with your child. More info to follow.

Land of Make Believe: We will have a joined class trip, PreK3, Prek4 and Kindergarten to the Land of Make Believe. Each child will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We don't have a date yet, but wanted to give a heads up.

Ash Wednesday

 Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday, March 2nd. 

We will be attending mass at 8:30 am. Please meet the teachers in the church entrance between 8:00 and 8:15. Mrs. Matthews will still meet Early Morning care in the auditorium and will walk the children to the church at 8:00.


Lenten Kindness Jar- We will be filling a Kindness Jar for the season of Lent. Anytime your child performs a selfless act of Kindness at home, please send me an email so they can place a pom pom in the jar. The email is important so I can explain to the other children about Kind Acts. We will be looking for Kindness here in school as well.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Week of Feb. 21st

 A Little Taste of Spring! It's Coming!!

Letter of the Week: This week we will be reviewing letters Aa-Rr.

Number of the Week: Review Numbers 1-14

God's Time: Jesus wants us to Be Kind

Shape/Color of the Month: Heart/Red

Unit Theme: Weather, Seasons and Calendar.

Show N Tell: Wed. 2/23

Show N Tell for this month is one item that follows what we have been studying in February. Letters-Pp, Qq and Rr. Numbers- 13 and 14, Shape/Color - Heart/Red God's Time: -Spreading the Good News and St. Valentine, Unit Theme:- Weather, Seasons and Calendar.

March Mystery Readers:

Please let me know by Friday, Feb. 25th if you would like to be a Mystery Reader. The diocese is requiring everyone to be vaccinated to come in the school, but there is also a virtual option. 

Schedule will go out Monday Feb. 28th.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Week of Feb. 14th

 Happy Valentines day to my classroom of sweethearts!

Please have all your Valentine Cards for your classmates in by Monday Feb 14th for our party. Wear red, pink or purple (it's also an 8th grade tag day).

Letter of the Week: Rr and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 14 is Ten and Four more

God's Time: Friendship and St. Valentine

Shape/Color of the Month: Red and Heart

Unit Theme: Calendar Words

Monday Feb 14: Valentine's Party

Monday Feb. 21st: No School-Presidents day

Feb. Show N Tell: 2/23

March Mystery Reader: If you would like to be a Mystery Reader in March please fill out the form (in folders 2/11) and return it by Fri. 2/25. 

Scholastic Book Orders: to have books for Easter please have all book orders in by 3/11.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Week of February 7th

 I'm going with Staten Island Chuck because he predicted Early Spring!!! Sorry Phil! We will be going outside for walks and fresh air if the weather is warmer and dry. Please dress accordingly.

Letter of the Week: Qq and it's phonetic sound. We also introduce Qq's best friend "u"

Number of the Week: 13 is 10 and 3 more

God's Time: Jesus wants us to Follow Him. 

Shape/Color of the Month: Red and Heart

Unit Theme: Types of Weather and Temperature.

Valentine's Day Party: Monday Feb. 14. Please be sure to bring a Valentine in for each friend. NO CANDY or FOOD. 24 Valentine's must fit in a tissue box "Mailbox". Please no big other items.

No School on Monday Feb. 21st-Presidents Day

March Mystery Readers- Keep your Eyes Open for more information and sign ups.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week of Jan. 30th

 Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! It's the year of the Tiger!

Our whole week will be focused on Catholic Schools Week and Celebrating our GLORIOUS school!

Monday- Celebrate Our Community and Police Officers. Wear Blue to support Police Officers. We will be making a special card for some very special police officers we know!

Tuesday- Celebrate Students, Faculty and Staff- Show your school colors and wear St. Therese Gear today! In Pre-K it's "STUDENT CHOICE DAY" The children can choose our activities all day! 

Wednesday- Celebrate Vocations- We created a card to Thank Father Rick and the church for their support. We will learn a little more about Priests and vocations in God's Time

   **** January Show N Tell****

Thursday- Celebrate Military- Please dress in Red White and Blue to support our men and women in military service. All monetary donations go to Wounded Warrior Foundation. WE will be saying a special prayer for their safety today.

Friday-Celebrate Volunteers and Eighth Graders. We will go to 8:30 school mass today. Please arrive at the church between 8:00-8:15. If later then 8:30 your child can be dropped off at Pre-K3 

Important Dates:

2/2 Wednesday - January Show N Tell

2/4 8:30 School Mass

2/14 Valentine's Day Party

2/21 No School- Presidents Day

2/23 Feb. Show N Tell

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...