I suppose March is coming in like a Lion!!! Dress warm so we can sneak in some walks for fresh air and a little sunshine!
Letter of the Week: Ss and it's Phonetic Sound
Number of the Week: 1-14. Find the missing number.
God's Time: Ash Wednesday, and Lent
Shape/Color of the Month: Rhombus and Green
Unit Theme: Transportation-How we get from here to there!
Ash Wednesday: Mass is at 8:30. Please have the children in the church entrance between 8:00 and 8:15. If you are later than 8:30 please drop off at Mrs Dobres in Pre-K3.
Kindness Jar: We will begin the Lenten Kindness Jar on Wed. Please email me any selfless acts of Kindness your child does while home and we will look out for Kindness at school.
March Mystery Readers- The schedule will be out next week. If you are having trouble making your time please let me know ASAP>
March Pizza: The front office has decided to go back to weekly orders for Pizza. Please have your pizza money by Friday morning.
Easter Hat Parade and Party: April 11th. Time to be determined. Please start to prepare to create a hat with your child. More info to follow.
Land of Make Believe: We will have a joined class trip, PreK3, Prek4 and Kindergarten to the Land of Make Believe. Each child will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We don't have a date yet, but wanted to give a heads up.