Thursday, March 31, 2022

Week Of April 4th


The weather can still be tricky, so please dress accordingly. It is important to have names on jackets and sweatshirts. Mornings are cold, then it gets warm and the children take off their sweatshirt/jacket and it's lost in the abyss of the coat closet! Speaking of-I have one size 4 denim jacket. 

Letter of the Week: Ww and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 18 is Ten and Eight more

God's Time: Jesus Forgives Lent and Easter

Shape/Color of the Month: Oval and Purple

Unit Theme: Transportation: Space Travel and Gravity

Pizza Fridays- The Main Office is no longer collecting and distributing the money for pizza Fridays. It is now the charge of the homeroom/class teacher. Please submit your pizza money to Mrs. Reed no later than the Thursday before Pizza Friday. You may pay for the month or for the week. Each classroom is taking care of their own money-so please keep siblings money separate. ALL MONEY MUST COME IN A LABELED ENVELOPE!!!!!!

Easter Hat Parade: Monday April 11th at 11:15 am. Please help your child decorate an Easter Hat. Your child should have creative authority-and you help with the construction! 

The Easter Egg Hunt will follow the parade. Each child will need an adult to help at the Egg Hunt.

Moon Picnic Trip- We will be going to the MOON on Wed. 4/13, for a picnic snack. Please pack a towel, small stuffed friend, and snack into a labeled shopping bag for the trip. 

May 18th- We will be going on our class trip to Legoland and Sea life Aquarium. We will meet at 9:30. You must drive and accompany your child on the trip. They do not allow outside food, but there is a food court in the vicinity. Please have Permission Slip and Money in by Friday April 9th. If you do not wish to go on the trip, there will be NO School for your child on May 18th. 

June 10th is our last day of Pre-K. Moving Up Ceremony will be Monday June 13th. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Week of March 28th


The weather looks quite cold this week. So much for "Out like a Lamb"-please dress for the weather. If it's dry we will be going out.

Letter of the Week: Review Letters Aa-Vv

Number of the Week: 17 is Ten and Seven more

God's Time: God is Forgiving

Shape/Color of the Month: Rhombus/Green

Unit Theme; Transportation by ground

Class Trip to Legoland and Sea Life Aquarium: PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE get those slips and payment in ASAP!!!

Wed. March 30th: Wacky Wednesday AND Show N Tell

Wacky Wed. -Please come to school dressed your wackiest! Wacky Hair and Mismatched! Be ready for a Wacky Day!

March Show N Tell: Letters Ss, Tt, Uu and Vv. Numbers 15, 16 and 17. Shape Rhombus, Color Green God's Time Lent and Easter, St. Patrick or St Joseph. Unit Theme Transportation

Mass is Friday April 1st at 8:30am. Please meet at the church between 8:00 and 8:15. 

Important Dates:

3/25 Buddy Book Time

3/30 Show N Tell and Wacky Wednesday

4/1 Mass at 8:30

4/11 Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt at 11:15am

4/13 Trip to the Moon Picnic

4/14 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

4/15-4/24 No School-Easter Break

5/18 Class Trip to Legoland and sea Life Aquarium

6/13 Pre-K4 Moving Up Day

Friday, March 18, 2022

Week of March 21

 Allergy Season is here! If you can, please donate a box of tissues to the class.-Thank You!

Letter of the Week: Vv and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 17 is ten and seven more

God's Time: Jesus wants us to grow, Lent, Easter and Kindness

Shape/Color of the Month: Rhombus and Green

Unit Theme: Transportation by Air

Up Coming Dates:

3/23 Noon Dismissal for the Whole School- Teachers Cognia Interview. Aftercare begins at 12:00

3/25 Mystery Reader with Buddies-Please bring in a labeled book for your buddy to read with you.

3/30 Wacky Wednesday-Dress Wacky, with Wacky Hair! 

         March Show N Tell-Letters Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv- Numbers 15,16,17- Color Green-Shape Rhombus- God's Time St. Patrick, St Joseph, Lent, Easter, Kindness- Unit Study Transportation

4/11 Easter Hat Parade/Egg Hunt at 11:15am. 

        Create an Easter Hat with your child. Let them be creative and imaginative. 

         There will need to be one adult with your child for the Egg Hunt

4/14 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

4/15-4/24 Easter Break

Mid-May- Looking for a date for our class trip

6/10-Last Day of Pre-K

6/13 No School-Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00

Monday, March 14, 2022

Early Dismissal




See Mr. Dunnigan's blog for more information.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Week of March 14th

 May the Luck of St. Patrick and the Love of St Joseph follow you this week and always!

Letter of the Week: Letter Uu and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 16 is Ten and Six more

God's Time: Lent, St. Patrick and St. Joseph

Shape/Color of the Month: Green and Rhombus

Unit Theme: Transportation on Land


 Pre-K4 Moving Up Ceremony is Friday June 10th. 

Up Coming Events:

3/17 Wear Green on Thursday for St. Patrick's day

3/25 Buddy Book Time-our Mystery Readers for 3/25 are our Buddies. If you would like bring in a book from home (label it) for your buddy to read to you.

3/30 Wacky Wednesday- Wear unmatched clothes/socks and Crazy Hair! Be ready for a Wacky Day!!!

3/30 March Show N Tell

4/1 First Friday Mass- Begins at 8:30. Please meet at the church between 8:00-8:15.

4/11 Easter Hat Parade- Begins at 11:15. Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt (children will need parent assistance) Please be sure to create a Hat with your child. They should have the chance to create the hat.

4/14 Noon dismissal-No Aftercare

4/15-4/24 No School-Easter Break

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Week of March 7th

 Spring here yet???!!!

Letter of the Week: Tt and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 15 is 10 and 5 more

God's Time: Lent and St. Patrick-Keep those Kindness emails coming in!

Shape and Color of the Month: Rhombus and Green

Unit Theme: Transportation-This week Transportation by Land 

Up Coming Events and Dates:

3/11 Scholastic Book Orders: Due Friday March 11th in order to receive by Easter

3/11 Eleventh Hour Tag Day-Bring in an animal item for 11th Hour Animal Rescue

3/17 Green Day-Wear Green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day

3/30 Wacky Wednesday- Wear mismatch socks/clothes and crazy hair

3/30 March Show N Tell

4/11 Easter Hat Parade and Easter Party/Egg Hunt

4/14 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

4/15-4/24 No School- Easter Break

May ?? -Land of Make Believe Class Trip- Please be on the look out for the information on Land of Make Believe. as soon as we have confirmation we will have to move quickly to hold our space. 

Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...