Thursday, September 29, 2022

Week of Oct. 3rd

 WOW!! October already!!!! September went so fast! I am looking forward to some Fall Fun!

Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: Working on numbers 1-3

God' Time: Praying the Hail Mary and exploring rosary beads

Shape and Color of the Month: Orange and Triangle

Unit Theme: God's Creation - Five Senses

No School Friday Oct. 7th. and Monday Oct. 10

I am still in need of some forms and money for our Fall Fun Day.

Important Dates:

10/1 Mass with the Bishop at St Therese Church 5:00pm

10/5 Walk A Thon for the Feast of St. Therese (please see STS website)

10/7-10/10 No School

10/12 Fall Fun Day 9:00am-11:30 am

10/14 Fire Trucks/Fire Prevention

10/21 October Scholastic Due

10/26 Oct. Show N Tell

10/28 Pre-K Pumpkin Day

10/31 Halloween Party and Parade. Pre-K Parade is at 11:15am

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Week of September 26th

 Wacky Weather Alert! Autumn is upon us, please be sure the children are dressed to go outside.

Letter of the Week: Aa, Bb and Cc. Review

Number of the Week: Number 3

God's Time: Jesus Invites us to Share

Shape and Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow

Unit Theme: God's Creation and our Five Senses

Friday, September 23rd- Fall Picnic Snack with Buddies

                  Please pack your snack, water, towel and small stuffed friend in a shopping bag for our Fall Picnic with our Buddies. Label Label Label and dress warm!

September Show N Tell- Wed. Sept. 28th

             Please bring in ONE item that follows our lessons from September

Letters Aa, Bb or Cc. Numbers 1-3. Shape Circle. Color Yellow. God's Creation and Five Senses

Important Dates:

9/23 Fall Picnic Snack

9/23 Scholastic Orders

9/28 September Show N Tell

9/30 Wear Gold for Childhood Cancer

10/5 St Therese Walk A Thon

10/7 No School

10/10 No School

10/12 Pre-K FUN FALL DAY

10/22 8th Grade Meatball Madness Fundraiser

10/28 St. Therese School Trunk or Treat

10/31 Halloween Parade and Party

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Week of September 19th

 PICTURE DAY is FRIDAY SEPT. 16th. There will be a make up day in November.


Letter of the Week: Letter C and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 2 (One and One is Two)

God's Time: We will begin our SEEDS program this week with our first gospel theme " Jesus Wants Us to Follow"

Shape/Color of the Month: Circle and Yellow

Unit Theme: Creation-Five Senses

Fall Buddy Picnic Day:Friday, Sept 23th (rain date 30th) is our Fall Buddy Picnic Day.

We will meet with our buddies for a picnic snack outside. Please pack in a SEPERATE SHOPPING BAG: Snack, Water, Beach towel, small stuffed animal. The children will be responsible for carrying their own bag, so putting it all together helps. PLEASE LABEL!!!

September Show N Tell: Wednesday the 28th. Please follow our monthly lessons: Letters Aa-Cc, Numbers 1,2,3 Shape -Circle and Color Yellow. Unit theme-Five Senses. God's Time-Creation

You only need ONE item. It can be anything that follows one or more lessons. Ex... A Yellow Apple

A Bear with 2 Eyes, Ears, Hands and Feet. Or some people create a collage with pictures from a magazine.

Scholastic Book Order: If you wish to order scholastic books, please use the code on the letter attached to the flyer and send in your order by 9/23

Important Dates:

9/16 Picture Day

9/23 Buddy Picnic

9/23 Scholastic Order

9/28 Show N Tell

9/30 Wear Gold/Yellow for Fight Against Childhood Cancer

10/2 STS Family Mass at 10:30

10/5 Feast Day of St. Therese Walk A Thon

10/7 No School-Prof. Dev.

10/10 No School Columbus Day

10/12 Pre-K Fall Fun Day

Friday, September 9, 2022

Week of Sept. 12th

 Here we go - Our first official full week of school!

Letter of the Week: Bb and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: Number 1

God's Time: God Created the Animals

Color/Shape of the Month: Yellow and Circle

Unit Theme: God's Creation and the Five Senses

Please be sure to label your child's sweatshirt. We wear them in the morning and they have been left behind because the weather changes in the afternoon.

9/16  Is Picture Day! Your form went home today.

Important Dates:

9/16 School Pictures 

9/18 Color Run for Childhood Cancer

9/23 Fall Buddy Picnic Snack

9/28 Show N Tell

9/30 Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Tag Day

10/2 STS Family Mass at 10:30

10/5 Feast of St. Therese Walk A Thon

10/7 No School-Faculty Inservice

10/10 No School Columbus day

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Week of Sept. 5th

 I hope you all enjoyed a nice long weekend! Summer came to an end so quickly, but that means we can now enjoy a Fun Filled School Year!!

Happy Birthday to ... BRIELLE!!!🎂

Letter of the Week: Aa and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 1

God's Time: Creation

Color/Shape of the Month: Yellow and Circle

Unit Theme: God Created Me and the world around me!

🍕Pizza Reminder: Our first Pizza Day is this Friday 9/9. $2.00 (per slice) is due in a LABELED ENVELOPE by Thursday, Sept. 8th. 

😃 Picture Day: Friday Sept 9th. We try and go very early in the morning (before snack). You can send a change of clothes if you wish for play afterwards. 

🏫 STS has their Back to School Night on Thurs. Sept 15th. Pre-K does not need to attend since we just had our Orientation which covers our Back to School Info. 

❓ Some questions came up that I didn't thoroughly cover at Orientation.

  • Please dress the children for the weather. WE WILL GO OUTSIDE as long as it is not raining or snowing. Above 35 degrees we may just take a brisk walk, but we try and get as much fresh air as possible. LABEL all jackets and sweatshirts. Especially when cold in AM and warm by dismissal time. 
  • Please return all your paper work ASAP. Photo Release, Family Emergency Information, TShirt Order etc... All nurses forms can be found under nurses tab on the STS website. 
  • Birthday Goodies- In leu of "shared snacks" for birthdays, if you wish, you may send a small goody from the dollar/party store for each classmate. Most families like to label them with your child's name so we know who's birthday we celebrated. Example: a small bottle of bubbles with a label -Happy 5 Club to Mrs. Reed! We have 24 classmates.
  • Arts and Crafts- Some of the children were a little disappointed they did not bring home their first craft. They did a beautiful job, but it is part of a surprise gift for the end of the year. Also, I use much of our artwork to decorate our classroom, so you will be able to hang up your apples in October, Pumpkins in December and Christmas items sometime in January. So our classroom will always be decorated beautifully with the children's hard work but,  your home may look a little behind the seasons!
Important Dates: 
9/5 Labor Day-No School    9/9 STS Welcome Back School Bash     9/16 School Picture Day
9/23 Buddy Fall Picnic Snack    9/28 Sept. Show N Tell   9/30 Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Tag Day-Wear Yellow or Gold. 10/1 Feast Day of St. Therese  10/2 10:30 AM STS Family Mass   10/7 No School Teacher In-service 10/10 NO School Columbus Day 10/12 Tentative Pre-K Fall Fun Day

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...