WOW!! October already!!!! September went so fast! I am looking forward to some Fall Fun!
Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: Working on numbers 1-3
God' Time: Praying the Hail Mary and exploring rosary beads
Shape and Color of the Month: Orange and Triangle
Unit Theme: God's Creation - Five Senses
No School Friday Oct. 7th. and Monday Oct. 10
I am still in need of some forms and money for our Fall Fun Day.
Important Dates:
10/1 Mass with the Bishop at St Therese Church 5:00pm
10/5 Walk A Thon for the Feast of St. Therese (please see STS website)
10/7-10/10 No School
10/12 Fall Fun Day 9:00am-11:30 am
10/14 Fire Trucks/Fire Prevention
10/21 October Scholastic Due
10/26 Oct. Show N Tell
10/28 Pre-K Pumpkin Day
10/31 Halloween Party and Parade. Pre-K Parade is at 11:15am