Thursday, October 27, 2022

Week of Oct. 31st.

 Halloween on a Rainy Monday!!! Let's pray the weather holds till later in the evening!

Letter of the Week: We will review letter Aa-Gg

Number of the Week: We will review numbers 1-6

God's Time: All Saints Day, SEEDS-Jesus wants to be with us, Christmas Songs begin!!!

Shape/Color of Nov.: Square and Brown

Unit Theme: Plants are living things

Halloween: The children should come dressed in their costumes. NO Costume weapons allowed and if possible leave extra pieces home. Anything that can be labeled, should. If your child is full day have them bring extra clothes or wear something under their costume.

The children will have their party from 9-11 in the classroom. At 11:15 we will parade in front of the school. The room moms will show you where to be. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD FROM THE PARADE LINE. It is very dangerous and the children have been instructed to stay in line. After the parade we will gather behind the Learning Center (our building) for some songs and pictures.

Noon dismissal- There will be NO carline for noon dismissal. Please wait for your child on the front lawn of our building and after they come through the building to collect their things we will bring them to you. 

IF YOUR CHILD is a full day student, but leaving at noon on Halloween I MUST HAVE an email by 7:00am Monday. Please let me know if it is someone else taking your child home.

Scholastic Orders: Christmas Gift Scholastic Orders must be ordered online by Thurs. 11/29.

Save the Date: Friday Dec 9th at 9:00 AM is the Pre-K Christmas Show

Important dates: 

10/31 Halloween Parade 11:15

11/1 All Saints day  11/2 All Souls Day

11/11 No School-Thank a Veteran for their service

11/21 &11/22 Pre-K has a regular scheduled school day

11/23 Noon Dismissal for all

11/24 -11/25 Thanksgiving Break

12/2 Pre-K4 attends First Friday School mass with the school. 8:30am

12/9 Pre-K Christmas Show at 9:00am

Friday, October 21, 2022

Week of October 24th

 Last week of October ALREADY!!!! Wow time-slow down!

Usually the last week of the month I review and wrap up, this week we are going to do a new letter and number, but some review as well.

Letter of the Week: Gg and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 6 is one more than 5

God's Time: SEEDS- Everyone is Important to Jesus,  Rosary

Shape/Color of the Month: Triangle and Orange

Unit Plan: God's Creation-Living Vs Non Living

October Show N Tell: Wed. 10/26 Please bring in one item that follows our October lessons.

Letters: Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg Numbers 4,5,6 Color Orange Shape Triangle God's Time Rosary Unit Plan 5 Senses and Living Vs Non-living Holiday-Halloween

Scholastic: Octobers order has been placed. Please be advised-if you would like Christmas Books you must place an order online by Nov. 30th. Our Scholastic Class Number is P9NPQ.

Save the Date: Our Pre-K Christmas Show will be in the AM on Friday Dec. 9th. All are invited. More info to follow shortly!!

Halloween: We will celebrate Halloween on Monday Oct. 31st. We will have a class party with our Room Moms in the AM and our Halloween Parade will begin at 11:15am. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD FROM THE PARADE LINE! There will have opportunities for pictures after the parade. 

Please have the children arrive to school in their costumes. NO COSTUME WEAPONS are allowed. Any extra pieces you can keep home is helpful and LABEL LABEL LABEL anything that may come off and get lost. 

It is a regular scheduled day, but if you would like to bring your FULL DAY child home after the parade I will need to know via email by Friday 10/28. Any child staying for the day should come with a change of clothes or clothing under their costume. 

THERE WILL BE NO 12:00 noon CARLINE. You will pick up your child from the front lawn after our festivities. 


10/26 Show N Tell and Buddy Time

 10/28 STS Trunk or Treat- you must preregister to attend.

10/31 Halloween Party and Parade

11/1 All Saints Day

11/2 All Souls Day

11/ 11 Veteran's Day-No School and HSA Designer Bag Bingo

11/18 Class Picture Day and Retake Day

11/21-22 PreK has regular scheduled days

11/23 NOON Dismissal-Whole School

11/24-11/25 Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Week of October 18th

 The weather is starting to change. If it is dry we will be outside. Please dress warm with Hats and Mittens. Practice at home: Mittens in our hats, Hats in our sleeves and our coat in the coat closet!

Letter of the Week: Ff and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: Five is one more than 4

God's Time: SEEDS Gospel Story- Jesus wants us to ask. Rosary beads and the Hail Mary Prayer

Color and Shape of the Month: Orange and Triangle

Unit Theme: God's Creation- Living vs Non living things

Scholastic Book Orders October Scholastic Book orders are due online by Friday Oct.21st. Please be on the look out for the Holiday Scholastic Order. All orders for Christmas will be due by Nov. 30th. 

October Show N Tell is Wed. Oct. 26th. Please bring in ONE item that follows what we learned in October- Letters Dd, Ee, Ff and Gg  Numbers 4,5, and 6  Shape Triangle  Color Orange  God's Time The Rosary, Unit Theme-Five Senses or Living and Non living Things

Fourth Grade Buddy Time: Wed. Oct. 26th

Pumpkin Day: Will be Friday Oct. 28th. Wear ORANGE and be ready to do some Pumpkin Science!

                       Permission to eat Pumpkin Bread needs to be returned by Monday 10/24.

Pre-K Halloween Party and Parade: We will have a classroom party from 9:30- 11:00. We will parade at 11:15. The children should come to school in costume. NO Costume Weapons, and any extra pieces should stay home if possible. LABEL any loose pieces. All are welcome to our parade. 

Parent Teacher Conferences: The Big School (1st-8thgrade) is holding Parent Teacher Conferences in November.  On Monday, 11/21 and Tues 11/22 the Big School will dismiss at 12:00. Pre-K will have REGULAR scheduled days on 11/21 and 11/22. If you are picking up an older sibling and wish to get your Pre- Schooler at 12:00 I will need a written notice by Friday 11/18. 

November 23rd is a Noon Dismissal for ALL

Important Dates:

10/14 Fire Trucks

10/21 October Scholastic Book orders due

10/26 October Show N Tell

           Buddy Time

10/28 PreK Pumpkin Day

           STS Trunk or Treat-you must register

10/31 Halloween Party and Pre-K Halloween Parade at 11:15

11/2 ST Therese school mass at 10:30

11/11 No School-Veterans Day

11/21-11/22 Pre-K Regular Scheduled Days

11/23- NOON Dismissal for all

11/24-11/25 Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 7, 2022

Week of Oct. 10th

 I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful Fall weekend! Please be sure the children are dressed for the crazy Fall weather. 

Letter of the Week: Ee and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: Reviewing 1-4

God's Time: SEEDS-Jesus is our Friend  Rosary Beads and the Hail Mary

Color and Shape of the Month: Orange and Triangle

Unit Theme: Five Senses- Sense of Hearing and Smell

Fall Fun Day: Is this Wed. Oct. 12th. Please be sure the children are dressed to be outside from @9:30-11:30. We are looking forward to a Fun Filled Fall Day!!!!

Fire Safety Month: We have been learning about fire safety. The Roxbury Fire Department are coming on Friday to show off their fire engines and teach us about their equipment.

Halloween: We will celebrate Halloween on Monday Oct. 31st. We will have a party with help from our room moms in the morning and a Halloween parade at 11:15. The children will come to school dressed in costume. No weapons of any kind are allowed. I suggest any extra pieces that don't need to be at school stay home. Label everything you don't want lost. A note will be heading home in the folders this week to explain further.

Important Dates:

10/22 8th Grade Meatball Madness Fundraiser

10/28 Trunk or Treat

10/31 Halloween Party and Parade(11:15)

11/6 St Therese School Family Mass at 10:30

11/11 No School-Veteran's day

           HSA Bag Bingo

11/18 Picture Make Up and Class Pictures

11/21 &11/22 Pre-K Regular Scheduled Days (Big School noon dismissal/conferences)

11/23 Noon Dismissal All

11/24-11/25 No School-Thanksgiving Break

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...