March seems to be Marching in like a lion!!! Hopefully it will march out like a Lamb!
Letter of the Week: Review Letters Aa-Rr
Number of the Week: Review Numbers 1-14
God's Time: Lent/Kindness Jar and Turning away from unkind behaviors
Unit Plan: We will complete Seasons/Weather and Calendar this week with a Unit Stations Day on Wed.
Show N Tell: March Show N Tell will be on Friday, March 3rd. Letters Pp, Qq and Rr Numbers 12,13 and 14 Unit Theme Seasons, Weather and Calendar. God's Time: St. Valentine's Day and Discipleship
First Friday Mass: We will be going to school mass on Friday March 3rd at 8:45 am . Please drop off at church between 8:15 and 8:30.
March 17th: NO SCHOOL. In order to make up some of our snow days, school will be closed on Friday March 17th.
Class Trip: Pre-k3, Pre-k4 and Kindergarten will be taking an annual class trip in the Spring. Please be on the look out for information and respond promptly to avoid missing out.