It's EASTER HAT week!!!!! My most favorite day of the year! I love to see all the fancy hats! Pray for dry weather so all can enjoy the day!
Letter of the week: Letter Vv and it's phonetic sound
Number of the Week: Number 18 is 10 and 8 more.
God's Time: Lent and Easter. SEEDS Gospel Story-Jesus has friends.
Shape/Color of the Month: Green and Diamond
Unit Plan: Transportation by Water.
Wacky Wednesday is Wed. 3/29. Come with Wacky hair, Wacky clothes-dress as WACKY as you wish and be ready for a Wacky Day!!
Easter Hat Parade: Friday 3/31 (rain date 4/3). Please help your child create a fancy Easter Hat. The parade starts at 11:15 and will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt/Game. Each child will need an adult to help with the hunt/game.
If your full day child is leaving at Noon I will need an email by Wed. 3/29.
4/6 is a Noon dismissal-No Aftercare
4/7-4/16- Easter Break