Thursday, April 27, 2023

Week of May 1st

 MAY!!!!! Already!!!!

Please be sure the children are layered and dressed appropriately to go outside. This Spring has been very tricky, so maybe a sweatshirt in the backpack will help! (LABEL:)

Letter of the Week: Yy and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 19 is 10 and 9 more

God's Time: Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Shape/Color of the Month: Multisided Shapes (hexagon, pentagon, octogon) and Pink

Unit Study: Bugs and Gardens-Patiently waiting for our Butterflies! What do plants need?

Spring Picture Day: Friday 4/28

First Friday Mass 5/5 at 8:30

Field Day Tshirt Money is due 5/2. Please see on the STS Website.

Painting Smock Monday5/1: your child in with a SMOCK or OLD LARGE Tshirt to cover them while we paint!

Adult Paint Night 5/12-See STS Web Page

May Crowning: Thursday 5/11 at 1:00pm Pre-K 4 participates with a small part in the May Crowning. If your child is not a fulltime child but would like to participate, please let me know. You can send them in on 5/11 with lunch so they are with us and ready to go. Parents are welcome to join us at the church at 1:00.

Pre-k3 & 4 Fun Week: 5/24 - 5/31 Please be on the lookout for important information regarding Fun Week!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Week of April 24th

 WE are very busy this time of year! Please stay up to date with the blog and school website!

Letter of the Week: Xx and it's phonetic sound. Xx is a tough one. I will accept any word with an Xx in it (beginning, middle or end)

Number of the Week: 18 is Ten and Eight More

God's Time: Jesus friends know Him

Unit Plan: Parts of a plant

What's Coming Up?????

Princess and Superhero Party (HSA) is Sunday 4/23 at 11am-1pm

Liberty Science Center: Our class trip to LSC is on Wed. 4/26. We will be meeting at LSC. Parking is $7.00. I suggest car pooling if you can. More info will be going home in the folders.

April Show N Tell is Friday 4/28. Please follow what we have been studying in April.

     Letters Vv, Ww and Xx. Numbers 17 and 18, Shape is Oval and Color is Purple. God's Time Easter and Science Units Transportation or Bugs and Gardens.

Scholastic Book Order: Due Friday 4/28-This is the FINAL order for this school year.

CORRECTION !!! Spring Picture Day  4/28. Please let me know if your child will be taking Spring Pictures.

Field Day TShirt orders are due by May 2nd. Please go to the STS website for online ordering

First Friday Mass is Friday May 5th at 8:45am

CORRECTION !!! May Crowning is Thursday May 11th  at 1:00 pm. Prek4 has a small part in the service. All are welcome to come.

Adult Paint Night is 5/12 (HSA) More info on STS website.

Pre-K Fun Week begins on Wed. May 24th

6/5 Is the Last Day of Pre-K

6/6 Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00pm


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Week of April 17th

 Welcome Back! I Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Break, full of Family fun and some relaxation!

Letter of the Week: Ww and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 18 is ten and eight more.

God's Time: Easter 

Shape and Color of the Month: Oval and Purple

Unit Theme: Bugs and Gardens-Our new classmates should be joining us this week!!!! Ask your child about our cute little friends!

Spring Pictures are on Friday 4/21. Forms are being sent home. I will need to know if your child is getting their Spring picture on Friday. Not every child gets a Spring Picture so please send in the form or a note so I will know to bring your child for pictures.

Class Trip is Wed. 4/26/23. We will meet at Liberty Science Center at 9:30. An info letter will be out this week.

4/28- Final Scholastic Book order due for this school year.

5/4 May Crowning at 1:00pm in St. Therese Church. PreK4 has a special part in the service.

5/5 First Friday School Mass at 8:45am

5/24 Begins Pre-K Fun Week

5/31 STS Field Day. For the first time Pre-K is going to participate in the STS field day! Tshirt orders are due by May 2nd. Here is a link

6/5 Last Day of Pre-K

6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00pm

Please visit the STS parent page on the website for more dates!

Monday, April 3, 2023

Week of April 3rd

 Easter is almost here and our Kindness Jar is almost full! The children are so full of Kindness are doing a great job spreading God's Love!!

This week we will review letters Aa-Vv and numbers 1-17. We will wrap up Transportation with a Transportation Stations Day on Monday. We will continue to learn about Jesus and the Easter Story.

Important Dates:

4/6 Noon Dismissal for all. No Aftercare

4/7-4/16 Easter Break

4/26 Class Trip to Liberty Science Center

4/28 Scholastic Book Orders Due- Final Chance to Order

5/4 May Crowning 1:00

5/5 First Friday Mass 8:45

5/24 Pre-K End of Year Fun begins

5/29 No School-Memorial Day

5/31 STS Field Day

6/5 Last Day of Pre-K

6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...