Friday, September 29, 2023

Week of Oct. 2nd

Welcome to OCTEMBER-the time of year where your having so much fun it's all a blur by January!!!

I know this time of year gets very hectic for families. Please try and stay with my blog for info on what's going on in class!

Letter of the Week: Dd and it's phonetic sound.

Number of the Week: 4 is one more than 3, 2 and 2,  and Mrs. Reed's favorite number!! 

God's Time: SEEDS: Jesus Teaches Us and the Rosary

Unit Plan: Five Senses-Sense of Smell

Coming Up...

9/30- St. Therese Mass with the Bishop

10/2 St. Therese Feast Day Walk a Thon. Please dress in comfy walking clothes with sneakers. The walk is early in the morning so please bring a jacket/sweatshirt.

10/4 Roxbury Fire Dept. will come and show off their trucks and teach Fire safety.

10/6-10/9 No School

10/27 Pre-K 3 and 4 Halloween Party and Parade.

           Parade begins at 11:15.

           STS Trunk or Treat

            Scholastic Orders Due

11/1 October Show N Tell

11/4 Project grad: Meatball Madness

Friday, September 22, 2023

A September Recap!


Week Of Sept. 25

 Last Week of September ALREADY!!!!

Letter of the Week: Cc and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 3 is one more than 2

God's Time: We will begin our SEEDS program this week-Jesus Welcomes Everyone

Unit Theme: Five Senses

Shape/Color of the Month: Yellow and Circle

Coming Up...

Mon. 9/25 Please send in one Apple to be prepped for Apple Day 

Wed. 9/27 Apple Day and Show N Tell

                    We will use our Five Senses as we explore some Apples and we will have our first Show N Tell. Please make sure you have ONE item at that it follows at least One lesson from September. 

Thurs. 9/28 Golf Out ing

Friday 9/29 Buddy Picnic Day

         Please send your child in with ONE Bag that contains 1.Towel 1. Snack 1.Water 1. Small Stuffy. LABEL LABEL LABEL We are going to picnic snack with our fourth grade buddies. 

Saturday 9/30 Mass with Bishop Sweeney to celebrate 60 awesome years of St. Therese School

Monday 10/1 St. Therese Feast Day Walk A Thon-Come to school in comfy clothes and sneakers.

Fri 10/6 and Mon 10/9-No School

Monday, September 18, 2023

Week of Sept. 18th

 Starting to feel that beautiful crisp Fall air! Please be sure the children have their name on jackets/sweatshirts. Our mornings are cool but by the afternoon we are shedding our jackets.

Letter of the Week: Bb and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 2 "One and One is Two"

God's Time: Creation-God Cares for all He created

Unit Theme: God's Creation-Our Five Senses

Coming Up...

Tues 9/19 Childhood Cancer Awareness Ninja Event

Wed 9/27 Pre-K Apple Day- We will explore, measure compare and contrast with apples. We will also create a delicious dessert together to share at snack time.

Wed 9/27 Pre-K Show N Tell Please bring in one item that follows our learning lessons for the month of September. Letters Aa, Bb, Cc. Numbers 1,2,3. Color Yellow, Shape Circle and God's Creation/Five Senses

Thurs 9/28 STS Golf Outing

Fri 9/29 Buddy Day-We will meet our Fourth Grade Buddies

Sat 9/30 Scholastic Orders Due 

               St. Therese 60th Anniversary Mass at 5:00. 

Monday 10/2 St Therese Feast Day Walk A Thon

Friday 10/6 and Mon 10/9-No School

Friday, September 8, 2023

Week of September 11

 This week I pray for all those that were affected by the terror attacks of 9-11. 

God Bless America

Letter of the Week: Aa and it's phonetic sounds

                          This week help your child find words that start with letter Aa in their world. 

Number of the Week: 1

God's Time: All of God's Creation

Unit Study: Exploring God's Creation

Last Chance for Pre-K Tshirts- Monday 9/11.

Picture Day is Friday 9/15.

The HSA is sponsoring a Family Night-Welcome Back Bash on Friday 9/15

Join us in Fighting Childhood Cancer on Tues. 9/19

Sept. Show n Tell is Wed. 9/27. Show n Tell must match one of the lessons from the month of Sept.

Pre-K Apple Day- I am adding a Prek Apple Day on Wed 9/27. Be on the look out for more information.

HSA Golf Outing is 9/28. 

Celebrating 60 years of Catholic Education at St. Therese! Mass with Bishop Sweeney on Saturday 9/30 at 5:00pm.

St Therese Feast Day Walk a Thon is Monday Oct 2.

We had some mix ups with Pizza orders this week. Please be sure to send in $2 in a LABELED envelope or baggie. It needs to be submitted no later than the Thursday Morning prior to pizza day Friday. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Week oif September 4th

 Friday was a great start to our new year together! I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend and I am excited to get back together Tuesday! Let the Pre-K Fun BEGIN!!!!!!!

Letter of the Week: We will begin our phonics studies with a phonemic awareness lesson and an assessment to see where we all are in letter recognition.

Number of the Week: We will begin with some counting skills and an assesment on number recognition

God's Time-God Created all our friends and classmates-Let's get to know one another!

Unit Study: We will work on getting more comfortable with our surroundings and routines this week.

Two things I forgot to mention at Orientation:

1. Buddies-Fourth Grade is our Buddy Class. Your child will be paired up with a fourth grader for the year. We have monthly fun events with our buddies and our Buddies will escort us to mass beginning in December.

2. Birthdays-Celebrating turning 5 is a BIG deal! If you would like, you may bring a small "Goody" item to share with the class. NO FOOD or CANDY! You can choose items from the dollar store or party store. Some popular ones are coloring books and crayons or bubbles. Be sure there are 24 items and you can label them with your child's name/birthday message (ex... Thank You for Celebrating Robin's Five Club Birthday). 

Important Dates:

9/7 Is Back to School Night for the Big School-NO PREK or KINDERGARTEN

9/13 In School Lego Presentation

9/15 Picture Day

          Welcome Back Bash-HSA

9/19 Childhood Cancer Awareness

9/28 Golf Outing

9/30 Bishop Sweeney will celebrate mass at 5:00pm. Celebrating 60 years of wonderful Catholic Education at St. Therese School!!!

10/2 St. Therese Feast day walk A Thon

10/6 &10/9- No School

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...