Thursday, December 21, 2023


Merry Christmas Pre-K4 Families!

Praying for Health and Happiness for all of you in the New Year! 

Things to remember:  

1/3/2024 School ReOpens

1/5/2024 First Friday Mass at 8:45. Please meet Mrs. Reed at the church APR between 8:15 and 8:30.

1/15/2024 No School-MLKJR Day

1/22 and 1/23 Pre-K4 Parent Teacher Conferences

1/28 Catholic Schools Week Begins with 9:00AM Mass

          Open House and Public Enrollment Begins

1/31 January Show N Tell

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Week of Dec 18th

 Rejoice!!! Christmas is almost here!

During this short week before Christmas we will be practicing and reviewing. We will also be enjoying some Christmassy fun!!!

12/20- Dec. Show N Tell

12/20- Buddy Christmas Story Time: Bring a Christmas Book for your buddy to read to you. Be sure the book has your name on it.

12/21 - Santa Breakfast for the whole school

           - Whole School Noon Dismissal-NO AFTERCARE

12/22-1/2 No School-Christmas Break

1/5 First Friday School Mass at 8:45. Please meet in the church APR between 8:15 and 8:30. Please have your child use the bathroom and dress appropriately for church. If you're running later than 8:30 have your child join Prek3 until we return.

1/22 &1/23 Pre-K4 Parent-Teacher Conferences. Look out for a Sign Up Genius Shortly.

1/28-2/2 Catholic Schools Week

Just a reminder:

If your child is sick with a fever they must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication before they can return to school. If your child misses the school day they are not to be in the school for after school functions.

You know your child better than anyone, if they are feeling under the weather please keep them home. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Week of December 11th

What an AMAZING SHOW!!!! Please give your children extra hugs from me! I am so proud of them! I am really in the Christmas Spirit now!!!!

Letter of the Week: Ll and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 10 is one more than 9

God's Time: Third Week of Advent-Preparing for Christmas

Shape/Color of the Month: Star and Blue

Unit Theme: Christmas Around the World

Important Dates Coming Up:

12/12 and 12/14 are the Big School Concerts Aftercare ends at 4:30 on Tues. 5:00 Thurs.

12/15-School Wide PJ Day to support CHOP-Children's Hospital of Phila.

12/20 Dec. Show N Tell

12/21- Santa Breakfast in the A.M. Dress Chrismassy!

12/21 NOON Dismissal for the whole school-NO AFTERCARE

12/22-Jan 2- NO SCHOOL Christmas Break

THERE IS NO SCHOOL JAN. 2nd (adjust from original calendar)

1/5/2024- First Friday Mass at 8:45

Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...