This week we will focus on learning our school routine and learning about each other!
Please return all your Pre-K forms that you received at Orientation (Family Form, Photo Release Form, T-shirt Form, Pizza Money).
Please bring your school supplies with you- Label, Label, Label!!!
Friday, 8/30 is a Noon Dismissal for the whole school.
Your child will need snack and a water bottle-no lunch.
It will be a difficult dismissal, so please have patience.
Starting Tuesday please bring your small soft stuffy for rest time.
Pre-K and Kindergarten families DO NOT attend Back to School night on 9/5.
Important Dates:
8/30-First day of Pre-K Noon Dismissal
9/2- Labor Day- No School
9/13 Fall Picture Day for Pre-K thru 2nd grade
9/13 HSA- Back To School Tail Gate Party