Friday, December 13, 2024

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show!

Letter Of the Week: Ll and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 10 is one more than 9 and Five and Five make TEN!!!

God's Time: The final weeks of Advent

Shape and Color of the Month: Star and Blue

Unit Plan: Christmas Traditions

 December Show N tell: Wed. 12/18.  Please bring in one item that follows our lessons from the Month of December. Letters Jj Kk Ll Numbers 8,9,10 Shape Star Color Blue Unit PLan and God's Time Christmas.

Christmas Breakfast The whole school will enjoy and breakfast treat from HSA on Friday 12/20. 

Whole School Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare on Friday 12/20.

Christmas Break from 12/21-1/5/2025.

Please be on the look out for Pre-k Parent Teacher Conferences Sgn Up Genius. We will be meeting on Tues. Jan21 and Wed. Jan 22. More info to follow.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

November Recap

 Investigating Leaves! 

Mrs Reed won at Designer Bag Bingo!!!

Cutest Turkeys in their Turkey Shirts

The First Thanksgiving was for friends! 

Getting Ready for Advent with Buddy Time

Week of Dec 2nd

Well I guess Winter Weather isn't waiting for Winter Solstice!⛄ 

Please have the children dressed in Winter Jackets, Hats and Mittens. We will try and get some fresh air if the weather allows. Practice- Mittens in Hats and Hats in Sleeves!

Letter of the Week: Jj is for Jesus!

Number of the Week: we will review numbers 1-8 this week so as to leave us time to practice for our Christmas Show

God's Time: Firts Week of Advent-It's time to prepare

Shape and Color of the Month: Satr and Blue

Unit Plan: We were not able to have Worm Day bc of last weeks snow. We will try and get it in this week and end our God's Creation Unit.

Important Dates:

12/3 Santa Shop ( only for children who prepaid and preordered)

12/5 CHOP PJ Day. All donations will support Children's Hospital of Phila. 

12/6 Mass at 8:45. Please meet Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Matthews at 8:15-8:30am in the atrium (front) of the church

12/6 Pre-K 3 and 4 Christmas Spectacular!!! Show starts at 10:00am. Doors will open at 9:45 for families. Older siblings will be called down and will remain with you till end of reception. Please be sure to use the sign out sheets in the back of the gym to sign out your older sibling before leaving the building. You are free to go as a family and skip the crazy noon dismissal carline!!

12/7 HSA Santa Breakfast

12/20 School Wide Christmas Breakfast

         Noon Dismissal for All-No Aftercare

12/21-1/5 No School-Christmas Break

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...