Friday, February 28, 2025

Week of March 3rd

OK time- you can slow down now!!! I can not believe it's March!!

We hope to be outside when it's dry out, so please come prepared for the crazy Spring weather!

Letter of the Week: Tt and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 16 is ten and six more

God's Time: Ash Wednesday, Lent and Kindness

Shape/Color of the Month: Diamond and Green

Unit Plan: Beginning of Transportation

We are beginning our Read Across America month with our March Mystery Readers! If you havn't had a chance to sign up please do so through Sign Up Genius.

Important dates:

We will have so much going on from now till the end of the year. Please keep up to date with my blog and the school website. 

3/5 Ash Wed Mass at 8:45. Please meet at church between 8:15-8:30

        Early Bird Friends will come over with Mrs Matthews

         Please have the children use the bathroom before they come to church

            Kindness Jar begins

3/7 First Friday Mass 8:45. Please meet at church between 8:15 and 8:30

         Early Bird Friends will come over with Mrs Matthews

         Please have the children use the bathroom before they come to church

3/15 STS HSA Mother/Son Event

4/5 STS Tricy Tray

4/7 Crayola Experience Class Trip

4/11 Easter Hat Parade/Party/Egg Hunt (Rain date 4/14)

4/11 Daddy Daughter Dance

4/17 Noon Dismissal- No Aftercare

4/18-4/27 No School-Easter Break

Looking Ahead-Dates May Change

5/2 First Friday Mass at 8:45

5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week

5/9 Pre-K Trip to the Roxbury Library

5/15 May Crowning at 1:00pm

            (PreK4 plays a special part in the May Crowning)

5/23-5/30 Pre-K Fun Week

5/23 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

5/26 No School-Memorial Day

6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Day at 1:00pm

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Week of February 24th

We made it to the end of February-the longest-short month of the year! The weather should start to warm enough for us to get out and get fresh air. Please be sure your child is dressed to take walks and get outside!

 Letter of the Week: Ss and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: Review of numbers 1-15

God's Time: Jesus teaches us to Love and Forgive. The Our Father Prayer

Shape/Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Theme: We will wrap up Seasons/Weather and Calendar this week. We will also talk about Dental Health and begin Dr. Seuss.

Feb. Show N tell is Wed. 2/26. Please follow the lessons we have been working on for the month of February. Letters Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss. Numbers 13,14,15. Shape Heart, Color Red, God's Time St. Valentine, Unit Theme Weather, Friendships, Post Office and Dental Health

Mystery Reader Sign Up is out. Please check for email

Important dates:

We will have so much going on from now till the end of the year. Please keep up to date with my blog and the school website. 

2/26 Feb. Show N Tell

3/5 Ash Wed Mass at 8:45. Please meet at church between 8:15-8:30

        Early Bird Friends will come over with Mrs Matthews

         Please have the children use the bathroom before they come to church

            Kindness Jar begins

3/7 First Friday Mass 8:45. Please meet at church between 8:15 and 8:30

         Early Bird Friends will come over with Mrs Matthews

         Please have the children use the bathroom before they come to church

3/15 STS HSA Mother/Son Event

4/5 STS Tricy Tray

4/7 Crayola Experience Class Trip

4/11 Easter Hat Parade/Party/Egg Hunt (Rain date 4/14)

4/11 Daddy Daughter Dance

4/17 Noon Dismissal- No Aftercare

4/18-4/27 No School-Easter Break

Looking Ahead-Dates May Change

5/2 First Friday Mass at 8:45

5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week

5/9 Pre-K Trip to the Roxbury Library

5/15 May Crowning at 1:00pm

            (PreK4 plays a special part in the May Crowning)

5/23-5/30 Pre-K Fun Week

5/23 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

5/26 No School-Memorial Day

6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Day at 1:00pm

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Week of Feb.17

No School Monday, Feb. 17th - President's Day. Enjoy the long weekend!

Letter of the Week: Rr and it's phonetic sound

Number of the Week: 15

God's Time: SEEDS: Jesus wants everyone to belong

Shape/Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Theme: We are going to skip "Weather and Seasons" theme and work on Dental Health this week.

Imporatnt Dates: 

2/21 STS Annual Talent Show

2/26 Feb. Show N Tell

2/28 Kick off Dr. Seuss and Read Across America with Buddy Time

3/1 Project Graduation Meatball Madness

3/3 Start of March Mystery Readers

3/5 Ash Wed. Mass at 8:45. All are welcome to join mass and receive ashes

3/8 STS Family Night

3/7 First Friday Mass 8:45 am

3/17 Wear Green for St. patrick's Day

3/26 March Show N Tell

Looking Ahead...

4/4 First Friday Mass at 8:45

4/7 Crayola Class Trip

4/11 Pre-K Easter Hat Parade and Party

4/17 Noon dismissal No Aftercare

4/18-4/27 No School- Easter Break

5/9 Possible Trip to the Library ( will need some volunteers)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Week of Feb. 10

Please have Valentines in ASAP. We have 17 boys and 7 girls-24 students. You do not need to write your classmates names on the Valentine's but you should have your child's name on them. We will celebrate Valentine's day on Friday Feb. 14.

Letter of the Week: Qq and it's phonetic sound. Also intro to little "u" Qq's bestie!

Number of the Week: 14 is four more than ten.

God's Time: St. Valentine, and Friendships. Jesus wants us to be Fishers of Others

Shape and Color of the Month: Heart and Red

Unit Plan: Take a break from ous Weather unit we will be discussing Mail and the Post Office

*******Pending Dates...

       Crayola Factory Class Trip is 4/7. Each child will need a parent or guardian on the trip. 

       Easter Party and Easter Hat Parade at 11:00am on Friday 4/11. 

Imporant Dates: 

2/7 8:45 Mass-meet at church

2/9 Fly EAGLES Fly!!!!

2/10 Possible delayed opening

2/14 Pre-K Valentine's Day Party

2/17 No School-Presidents Day

2/21 STS Talent Show

2/21 Scholastic Orders due

2/26 Feb. Show n Tell

3/5 Ash Wed. Mass at 8:45am

Monday, February 3, 2025

January Review

 Snowy January

Goopy Snowmen and Matching Mittens

I can still fit in my baptism hat!

Nn is for Necktie

Human Rectangles

Indoor Winter Fun- Snowball Toss and Watercolored Snowflakes

STS Catholic Schools Week

Wear Blue for Police Officers and Valentines for Firemen

Wednesday-PreK PJ Day

Friday-Buddytime Show n Tell and Friday Freeze Dance

Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...