Thursday, March 6, 2025

Week of March 10

 March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon!

Letter of the Week: Letter Uu and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 16 is Ten and Six More.

God's Time: Lent, Kindness SEEDS: Jesus Chooses to serve God- Making Good Choices

Shape/Color of the Month: Green and Diamond

Unit Plan: Transportation by the ground

Please check in with the Blog and the STS website for all the upcoming dates!

Important Dates:

3/15 STS HSA Mother/Son Event

3/17 Celebrate St. Patricks Day and Wear Green

3/19 Celebrate St Joseph and Wear Red

3/26 March Show N Tell and Scholastic Order Due

4/5 STS Tricy Tray

4/7 Crayola Experience Class Trip

4/11 Easter Hat Parade/Party/Egg Hunt (Rain date 4/14)

4/11 Daddy Daughter Dance

4/17 Noon Dismissal- No Aftercare

4/18-4/27 No School-Easter Break

Looking Ahead-Dates May Change

5/2 First Friday Mass at 8:45

5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week

5/9 Pre-K Trip to the Roxbury Library

5/15 May Crowning at 1:00pm

            (PreK4 plays a special part in the May Crowning)

5/23-5/30 Pre-K Fun Week

5/23 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare

5/26 No School-Memorial Day

6/5 Last Day of Pre-K

6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Day at 1:00pm

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

February Review

Starting off Read Across America with Thing One and Thing Two-Buddy Time!

Finished off Seasons/Weather and Calendar with a Temperature Stations Day!
Congrats to Jaxon and Jaxson who beat all our times with the Ice Bucket Challenge!


                          Dr. Jenn teaches us about Dental Health!

Dinos are for everyone!

Silly Friends!

Rr is for Rainbows. They help us to THINK SPRING!!!

Sharing Love on Valentine's Day!

Letter Qq- Painting with Qtips

 Celebrating 100 Pp words with games, puzzles and POPCORN!!!

Celebrating Mrs. Candy's Birthday

Wearing Green for the Eagles-and Mrs Reed!!

And the Eagles WIN!!!!!-Go Birds!

Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...