March is off to great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon!
Letter of the Week: Letter Uu and it's phonetic sounds
Number of the Week: 16 is Ten and Six More.
God's Time: Lent, Kindness SEEDS: Jesus Chooses to serve God- Making Good Choices
Shape/Color of the Month: Green and Diamond
Unit Plan: Transportation by the ground
Please check in with the Blog and the STS website for all the upcoming dates!
Important Dates:
3/15 STS HSA Mother/Son Event
3/17 Celebrate St. Patricks Day and Wear Green
3/19 Celebrate St Joseph and Wear Red
3/26 March Show N Tell and Scholastic Order Due
4/5 STS Tricy Tray
4/7 Crayola Experience Class Trip
4/11 Easter Hat Parade/Party/Egg Hunt (Rain date 4/14)
4/11 Daddy Daughter Dance
4/17 Noon Dismissal- No Aftercare
4/18-4/27 No School-Easter Break
Looking Ahead-Dates May Change
5/2 First Friday Mass at 8:45
5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 Pre-K Trip to the Roxbury Library
5/15 May Crowning at 1:00pm
(PreK4 plays a special part in the May Crowning)
5/23-5/30 Pre-K Fun Week
5/23 Noon Dismissal-No Aftercare
5/26 No School-Memorial Day
6/5 Last Day of Pre-K
6/6 Pre-K Moving Up Day at 1:00pm