Wednesday, August 28, 2019


So excited for our New PreK 4 year! Mrs. McDonald and I have been working hard to get the classroom set up and ready! It is always fun to start with a fresh new look!

Please remember our Pre-K 4 Orientation is on Wed. 9/4 at 1:00pm. There will be a lot of information given to the parents and the children will get a chance to meet with friends.

Our first day of Pre-K is on Friday 9/6. We will have a Noon dismissal.

I would like to have an email address ready for each family. Please send me the best email to contact you  ASAP. My email is

Please email me if your child has any allergies or medical concerns we should be aware of. The school nurse will have to be notified of any medication your child will need during school hours.

I will need to know how many families will be using Early Care. Our Early care begins at 7:30 and is free of charge. You must have an absolute need to use our early care. Please notify me through email ASAP so I can put you on the list.

I also need to know if your child will be using aftercare. There is a separate form and cost for aftercare.

You can reach me at my email

I will also be looking for at least 2 Room Parents for our year. The Room Parent helps out at class parties  (Fall Fun Day, Halloween, Christmas, Christmas Show, Easter, and End of year). The Diocese of Paterson requires Room Parents to take a "Protecting God's Children Class" once in order to volunteer in school. I can give you that information if you are interested.

Thank You,
Mrs Reed

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...