Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week of March 30th

Well April is almost here! We are getting closer to Easter and Spring Weather! I hope you all get a chance to enjoy some of the nice weather this week!

In virtual class this week we will be studying:

Monday: Letter Vv and it's phonetic sound.
Vv for Valentine Vv for Valentine (VVV) (VVV) When making the Vv sound be sure not to add a short "a" sound with it and instruct the children it is a "Lip Tickler" meaning they should feel the Vv sound on their lower lip. It's very close to letter Ff which is a "Lip Cooler".

Tuesday: Transportation by Air

Wednesday: The Number 18. 18 is 10 and 8 more.

Thursday: Force and Motion or Gravity

Friday: We had so much fun seeing everyone on Zoom last week that we'd like to try again!
We will be having a Story Time and a Show N Tell for TRANSPORTATION to finish off the unit.
You can show your favorite kind of transportation or if you have made an incline plane, a paper airplane, or a sailboat and would like to show us how it works.

God's Time: This week, the fifth Sunday of Lent is the story of Lazarus. We talk about feelings and friendships. Feelings is a very good topic to discuss with the children at this time in our lives. You can go to for the Gospel video-Click SEEDS, Weekly Videos (small print) click 3/29/2020 then click the 1st one -Gospel Reading and Reflection for kids.
Pflaum has also sent me a link that I will forward onto you so you can print our weekly series if you'd like.

Lenten Prayer: We adore you O Christ and we bless You. Because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world. AMEN

Looking ahead to the week of April 6th.
- Some Review of Letters and Numbers
-Wed. 4/8 an Easter Hat Show N Tell on Zoom with an Easter Hat Dance Party. Have fun creating a Hat with what you have at home. Please don't risk going out to get supplies. If you really need something I can deliver it to you from my home.

We will be on Easter Break from Thurs. 4/9 (date just added from the diocese) till Sunday 4/19. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week of March 23rd

Well we have to do things a little differently I guess! Whatever you are able to accomplish with your little ones works for me. These are just some of the things I would have done with them in class this week. The complete lesson of the day will be sent via email the night before.

MONDAY: the letter Uu and it's phonetic sound

TUESDAY: The Foot Book

WEDNESDAY: Wacky Wednesday-send in pics of your Wacky Hair or Mix Matched socks/outfit!

THURSDAY: Transportation on Water

FRIDAY: Show N Tell -
                  I am trying to set up a Zoom meeting online. If you wish you can join (an email will be sent) the meeting and we can do Show N Tell like a virtual meeting. If you can not make the meeting but wish to participate please send a picture and explanation of your Show N Tell and hit reply all so we can all see.
March Show N Tell:  Letters Ss, or Tt or Uu.  Numbers 16. or 17. Color- Green and the Shape- Oval. Unit theme is Transportation or Dr. Seuss and God's Time is Easter/Lent/ St. Patrick or St. Joseph
Show N Tell does not need to have all these elements-just one!

Our Lenten Prayer:
We adore You O Christ and we bless You, because by Your Holy cross You have redeemed the world.
Gospel Weekly: If you go to and click-Seeds; scroll to Weekly Videos (under picture click the small bold print weekly videos) Select March 22 and select 1st video-Gospel Reading and Reflection for Kids.

Stay Healthy, Wash your hands, eat blueberries, stay home-and PRAY!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Week of March 16th

Happy St. Patrick's Day and have an Enjoyable St. Joseph's Day!

Letter of the Week: We will be in a review week for letters Aa-Tt
Number of the Week: We will have a review of numbers 1-17
God's Time: St. Patrick, St. Joseph and SEEDS gospel- The Woman at the Well
Shape/Color of the month: Oval and Green
Unit Theme: Transportation by Water

Monday 3/16- Rainbow Day-Wear your favorite color
Tuesday 3/17- Green day- Wear Green and watch for the tricky Lephrachaun!

Easter Hat Parade: Sorry for the confusion. We were advised to move the Parade and Egg Hunt Up because of Mass at 12:00. When I resent the letter with the time change I realized the second half of the letter no longer pertains since the children will have a normal dismissal time-with a normal Noon Carline and 2:30 Carline.
Our plans will be to have the Parade at 9:00 am with an Egg Hunt to follow. Following the Egg Hunt the children will return to class for their party, prepared for them by the Room Moms.
If it rains we will have the parade in the Big School and NO Egg Hunt. A party will still happen in the classroom for the students.
For the safety of the children please do not take them from the parade line. If you do plan on taking your child home with you after the Egg Hunt/Parade, I will need a note or an email stating who will be taking them by 4/2.

Important Dates:
3/16 Rainbow Day
3/17 St. Patrick's Green Day
3/25 Wacky Wed. and Show N Tell
4/3 Easter Hat Parade at 9:00
4/9 Noon Dismissal- NO AFTERCARE
4/10-4/19 Easter Break

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week of March 9th

The Irish Luck is Great in Pre-K!!! We've had many opportunities to enjoy the playground and it's not even Spring yet!

Letter of the Week: Tt and it's phonetic sounds
Number of the Week: 17 is 10 and 7 more.
God's Time: Lent and SEEDS- Jesus is God's Son
Shape/Color of the Month: Oval and Green
Unit Theme: Transportation- Transportation on Land

Spring Ahead:  We Spring our clocks ahead this weekend. 

Land of Make Believe: Ticket Orders and money are due March 20th.

Rainbow Day: 3/16 Wear your favorite color and be ready for some Rainbow Science!!!

Green Day: 3/17 Wear Green and watch out for the Leprechaun!

March Show N Tell: Wed. March 25th.

Easter Hat Parade: Fri. April 3rd at 11:15am. Info will be in folders this week.

Easter Break: Fri April 10-Sunday April 19th. 

Week of December 16th

I apologize for missing my blog last week! I was still in such a Happy Holiday Daze from the excellent job the children did at the show! Let...