It's a Leap Year!!!! Hope you have a wonderful extra day this year!
Letter of the Week: We will review Letters Aa-Rr this week
Number of the Week: We will review numbers 1-15 this week
God's Time: Lent and SEEDS-Jesus is both Human and Divine
Shape and Color of the Month: Heart and Red
Unit Study: Weather and Calendar Words
March-Mystery Readers
April 24- Class Trip to Space Farms-More info to follow
2/28- February Show N Tell - Please pick one item for Show N Tell that follows our themes of study for the month. Letters Pp, Qq and Rr. Numbers 13,14 and 15. Color-Red Shape-Heart God's Time: Lent and St. Valentine's Day. Unit Study-Seasons and Weather and Calendar.
2/29- Leap Day- Be ready to Leap the Day Away!!!
3/1- First Friday Mass- please meet me in church between 8:15 and 8:30 am
3/22 Pre-K Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt beginning at 11:15am
3/28- Noon Dismissal for the whole school
3/29-4/7 Easter Break