Friday, February 2, 2024

Week of February 5th

I heard a rumor that the sun was coming out this week! We are going to try and get some Vitamin D, so please dress warm!

Letter of the Week: Pp and it's phonetic sound. We have a whole week planned to celebrate letter Pp!

Number of the Week: 14 is 10 and 4 more!

Color and shape of the month: Heart and Red

God's Time: Jesus Heals

Unit Theme: Types of Weather

Letter Pp: Letter Pp is one of the easiest letters for children phonetically. So, we decided to make a FUN week out of learning letter Pp. If we are able to list 100 words that start with Pp by Friday we will have a special prize! Please check out the letter in your child's folder for all of the events for Pp is Perfect Week!

 Things to Come:

2/5-2/9 Letter Pp week

2/12- Delayed Opening -PreK begins at 10:00am

2/14 Ash Wed. Mass at 8:45. Please meet at church 8:15-8:30

       Valentine's Day Party- Please have a Valentine for each classmate

2/19 No School-Presidents Day

2/28 Show N Tell

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