Dr. Martin Luther KIng Jr taught about being Kind. Please practice Kindness so the children will see Kindness and act in Kindness too!
Keep sending in those empty tissue boxes-long rectangular style with a slit on top (no Puffs). We need them for our Valentine Mailboxes.
Letter of the Week: Oo and it's phonetic sounds
Number of the Week: 12 is 10 and 2 more
God's Time-The Wedding at Canna and Family
Shape and Color of the Month: Rectangle and Black & White
Unit Plan: Types of Weather
Parent/Teacher Conferences are HERE!! I am very excited to tell you all the wondrful things your child is learning in school! I will meet you in the church. There is a small meeting room just past the bathrooms.
Important Dates:
1/22 Pizza Money for 3rd Quarter is due
1/21-1/22 PreK4 Parent/Teacher Conf.
1/24 Scholastic Due
1/26 School Mass at 9:00 to kick off Catholic Schools Week
1/26-1/31 Catholic Schools Week-Please see the Flyer on the School Website
1/29 PreK Pajama Day-Pleaase hand in permission for Oreo Snack
1/31 School Mass at 8:45. Please meet in church between 8:15-8:30
2/14 Pre-K Valentine's Day Party
2/17 No School-Presidents Day
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