Friday, January 17, 2025

Week of January 20th

Dr. Martin Luther KIng Jr taught about being Kind. Please practice Kindness so the children will see Kindness and act in Kindness too! 

Keep sending in those empty tissue boxes-long rectangular style with a slit on top (no Puffs). We need them for our Valentine Mailboxes.

Letter of the Week: Oo and it's phonetic sounds

Number of the Week: 12 is 10 and 2 more

God's Time-The Wedding at Canna and Family

Shape and Color of the Month: Rectangle and Black & White

Unit Plan: Types of Weather

Parent/Teacher Conferences are HERE!! I am very excited to tell you all the wondrful things your child is learning in school! I will meet you in the church. There is a small meeting room just past the bathrooms. 

Important Dates:

1/22 Pizza Money for 3rd Quarter is due

1/21-1/22 PreK4 Parent/Teacher Conf.

1/24 Scholastic Due

1/26 School Mass at 9:00 to kick off Catholic Schools Week

 1/26-1/31 Catholic Schools Week-Please see the Flyer on the School Website

1/29 PreK Pajama Day-Pleaase hand in permission for Oreo Snack

1/31 School Mass at 8:45. Please meet in church between 8:15-8:30

2/14 Pre-K Valentine's Day Party

2/17 No School-Presidents Day


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Week of March 10

  March is off to  great start! We are having a great time with our Mystery Readers!! Hopefully we can get to the playground soon! Letter of...